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THE VOICE OF DECEPTION: How The Voice will be used for...

Originally published at Stephen Reason’s Substack. By Stephen Reason NOTE: this is the third piece in a current sequence of three. This series of articles aims...

Nobel goes to black guy so Greta Thunberg can’t complain

When herding cattle, you want to ensure the cattle always know who is the boss, and that they don't get too far ahead of...

How Dare You, Greta

Let’s get one thing absolutely clear; Greta Thunberg is a woman for our times. I don’t consider her to be a child as 16...

The Con says the Prime Minister is a very naughty boy

As reported widely, a taxpayer funded propaganda blog, ironically known as The Conversation, recently decided having to defend their faith was just too hard: Once...

Extorting the West with the climate change scam

UN bars coal nations from stage at global emissions conference. Australia has been barred from speaking at a UN climate summit in New York next...

XYZ Live #36 – “Aborigine Day” with ScoMo, the Australian Housing...

Topics covered: Scott Morrison's proposal for a day to celebrate Aboriginal culture as an alternative to changing the date of Australia Day. Is Australia's...

Jordan Peterson, globalist shill.

Matty from Matty’s Modern Life has taken a great deal of exception to my criticism of his hero Jordan Peterson. He has been extremely...

The right woman for the job

Regular readers of my blog might be under the impression that I have it in for the wymens. They would be right. I abhor...

Quote of the Day: The problem in Venezuela

On Tuesday 19th of September, US President Donald Trump gave an important speech outlining American foreign policy priorities. Aside from making it clear that...

Malcolm, Julie and Kevin: A terrifying clown show

After the events of last week, it now seems blatantly clear that Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull planned to back Kevin Rudd’s bid to...