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Tag: traitor

It’s About Us

We have many enemies, we have many who want to break us down. Many on our side notice this, they notice that not all...

Chairman Daniel Andrews, the Belt and Road Betrayer

Premier Daniel Andrews recently signed Australia up to Chinese State project the Belt and Road initiative. On the surface it’s about building vital infrastructure, but...

Quote of the Day: Sure there might be a bad Newspoll...

Pressure is mounting on Malcolm Turnbull, with the impending 30th losing Newspoll in a row. Tony Abbott has become more vocal about the leadership...

Viewer Poll: Should Malcolm Turnbull be sacked as Prime Minister?

I like to ask people from time "what are Malcolm Turnbull's principles?" No-one has been able to answer that one. The general perception amongst...

99% of Australians believe Sam Dastyari should be booted out of...

Sam Dastyari is a traitor, and the vultures are circling. His stocks have fallen so sharply that even Australia's Newspoll Prime Minister can sniff...

5 Reasons why no conservative can vote Turnbull

By Lucas Rosas If you have been following the dreary, drawn out, never-ending election campaign you may be in need of something to wake you...