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Tag: The Conversation

The Con blames Nationalism for Global Warming

The Con is at it again, attacking people they disagree with for any reason they can, no matter how ridiculous. Apparently, nationalism = climate change. Follow...

Climate Cultists At The Con Demand Deniers Repent

The Climate Cultists over at The Con are going hard pushing the word of The Science to their fawning and adoring acolytes of doom....

XYZ Live #86 – Adam Goodes vs Greta Toonberg, who played...

Topics discussed: Matty's interview with E Michael Jones, Christianity and nationalism. The Con gives us the green light to sledge Greta Thunberg. XYZ Predicts...

The Con says the Prime Minister is a very naughty boy

As reported widely, a taxpayer funded propaganda blog, ironically known as The Conversation, recently decided having to defend their faith was just too hard: Once...

XYZ Live #85 – Islam is Right About Women

I started this one off chuckling away to my heart's content and why not. The meme "Islam is right about women" is a brilliant...

The “Conversation” bans conversation because they want conversation, or something

The Conversation Australia recently decided to ban all accounts that dare to question The Science of the Global Warming religion, this wouldn’t be an...

Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys VS Kaz “the Commie” Ross

Gavin McInnes is touring Australia soon, and Kaz Ross has a long-winded piece in The Conversation telling everyone how bad he is. She also...