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Tag: South Australian blackout

Lights Out

Editor: Zeitungsdunkel reported today on the farce that is the South Australian power supply, and the preposterous political response. Deefer has a musical number the...

Steven Marshall concedes defeat in 2018 South Australian Election

As a born and bred member of the Blackout State your author likes to be a tad proactive in following South Australian politics and...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 7 of 7)

Grumblebum We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan.. That will be the case if we keep electing dead head labour and greens politicians who are intellectually challenged,...

Apples, oranges and submarines

Zeitungsdunkel A quick quiz for those playing at home: What is black, costs Australia a lot of money, and Andrew Bolt obsesses over constantly? If you retorted...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 6 of 7)

We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan.... That will be the case if we keep electing dead head labour and greens politicians who are inbred with...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 5 of 7)

Grumblebum That will be the case if we keep listening to the greenies and the lunatic left. We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan.. Before we go...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 4 of 7)

Grumblebum That will be the case if we keep listening to the greenies and the lunatic left. We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan. Having had a...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 3 of 7)

Grumblebum That will be the case if we keep listening to the greenies and the lunatic left. We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan. Now that the...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 2)

Grumblebum We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan... That will be the case if we keep listening to the greenies and the lunatic left. The effects of...