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We need lots of Wacos

In April of 1993 a siege of a cult group in Waco Texas ended with their compound burning to the ground as law enforcement...

The Revolution Is Always About Destruction

Originally published May 26, 2020. Earlier today I was on YouTube and I saw a clip entitled "Star Trek Picard Disaster | CBS Admits It...

The Radical War

From Patriotic Alternative. Johnny Alba When you look at the recent history of the United Kingdom with COVID restrictions, years of austerity, falling living standards etc...

The Spirit of Revolution

Thursday, 17th of June 2021, Day 35 It’s all in the spirit. It all comes back to what is above you. It is the spirit,...

Quote of the Day: Our world is facing a great revolution

It was a prophecy then, and remains a prophecy: “One thing is certain: our world is facing a great revolution. The only question is whether...

The enemy within

One of the striking features of industrial affairs in Australia is the power and obstinacy of militant unions. The state of Victoria is particularly...

A few good men

Over the last few weeks I have seen many comments regarding the silent majority. Apparently the silent majority do not approve of all of...

The case for an Australian National Conservative Revolution

The Golem Australians of a nationalist and conservative political inclination have made multiple attempts over many decades to bring about political change in accordance with...

Revolution! – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast – Episode Thirty Seven

Mark Moncrieff analyses the Dutch, English, American, French and Russian Revolutions. What is common to all as a causal factor is debt. He also looks...

Kyle Jurek is right: One of those moments in human history

The good people at Project Veritas have a knack at getting communists to loosen their tongues: In many respects this guy is right. In war you...