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Tag: mass immigration

No NHS for you, bigot

I have just returned from a very brief trip to the UK. I passed through Birmingham airport on my way through to Aberdeen, and...

So we’re calling them law students now

We need mass immigration so we can fill the desperate shortage of brain surgeons from Botswana in the bush. Without mass immigration, we may run...

Australians, stop voting for your own Genocide

The Golem Do not vote for or support any of the following major political parties. The Australian Labor Party The Australian Liberal Party The Australian...

Stupid Versus Evil

“IN AMERICA, WE have a two-party system,” a Republican congressional staffer is supposed to have told a visiting group of Russian legislators some years...

XYZ Live #102 – This week with Mark Collett!

Last night we were fortunate enough to again interview Mark Collett of Patriotic Weekly Review, and Patriotic Alternative in Great Britain. Topics discussed: Boris...

Australia is not a nation of immigrants

Former Australian Senator David Leyonhjelm commits the sin of noticing: "If you have been watching TV lately, you will have noticed that many advertisements include...

Remigration – Episode Twenty Two – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast

In this episode we flesh out the ideas discussed by Mark Moncrieff, from Upon Hope, in his article on Remigration. David Hiscox notes that the...

Right or Economic Liberalism

Liberalism is an economic theory and it states that trade, money and the work force should be free from constraint, able to move around...

Creating Ghettos

When people say Tony Abbot was a conservative remember this. As Prime Minister he let in 12,000 people from Syria and Iraq. Today only...

Bringing Jobs Back To The West

Globalism has helped to destroy the lives of millions upon millions of people in the West. Factories and the jobs that they provided have...