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Tag: London

Freedom of Speech and the decline of the West

Matty is calling on everyone to stand up for freedom of speech. Enough is enough, the governments of the West have sold us out it's...

The United Kingdom’s Future: Dystopia or Britannia

Arthur Dane When the British ruled India, they looked harshly upon the practice of "sati" or burning the widow alive on the funeral pyre of...

Hilarious protests in Europe against ethnic cleansing by ethnic cleansers

Train stations in London have been shut down due to protests by one group of people from the Middle East complaining about another group...

London acid attacks not terror, just Islamic

There has been yet another acid attack in London: "Six people have been injured in a suspected noxious substance attack at an east London shopping...

XYZ Quote of the Day: Stiff Upper Lip

"On London Bridge they were cut down, my dear lady." Nothing else remains to be said. XYZ Quote of the Day.


Our Thoughts and Prayers go out to the Victims II

In the wake of the terrible tragedy which has occurred in London, with a man ploughing a van into a crowd outside a mosque,...

Quote of the Day: CNN is Fake News, Again

When they're not concocting connections between the Russian government and Donald Trump's election team, CNN are busy propagating the #NotAllOrcs fallacy. The Fake News Network...

Breaking: Branson finds Allah, sells Virgin..

In exclusive breaking news, The XYZ can reveal that Sir Dick Branson has sold Virgin after finding Allah, changed his name to Mohammad Islam...

British leaving London: BBC obscures simple reality

In our latest edition of "What's wrong with this article?" we bring you a shining example, from a BBC article on February 20, 2013,...