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Tag: Islamic extremism

Islamic trigger warning

This article was originally published August 26, 2015. Update: The same theme is happening over and over again. Migrant background. Identifies as Islamic. Feels victimised. Triggered...

Wake Up: Hate-preaching Sheikh – Not ‘Extreme’ Islamic View

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is trying to recover his credibility after inviting hate-preaching Sheikh Shady Al-Suleiman to his end of Ramadan dinner last...

Turnbull Backflips on Islamic Dinner Guest

By ElvenPegasister In the time-honoured tradition of politicians, Malcolm Turnbull is doing rapid about-turns, and trying to back opposite points of view. First, in a bid...

Death-preaching sheikh sought by Islamic community

Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar, the Islamic teacher who called for the killing of homosexuals as the 'compassionate' thing to do skulked out of Australia overnight. Three...

More Than Half of Muslims Want Homosexuality Outlawed, One Third Will...

*More "Than" Half... (ed) A recent poll carried out in Britain has revealed some disturbing (but not particularly surprising) findings from the nation's Islamic community. The...

The Price of ‘Tolerance’

Lebanese-American woman, Brigitte Gabriel describes how she was introduced to radical Islam when she was 10 years old. Muslims blew up her home in...

On redeeming Islamophobia and coming out as an “Islamophobe”

According to Wikipedia, Islamophobia is "the fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims." The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "intense dislike or fear...

Indulging Radicals: Quote of the Day

Today's quote of the day comes from Bret Stephens, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal. Stephens writes: "Now 129 people are dead in Paris because...

When Islam has nothing to do with Islam

"Islam has nothing to do with Islam." You might have heard this rather sarcastic phrase. Despite its cynicism, it is however, a phrase that sums...

Geert Wilders, criticism and Islam

Only days after the Australian Government granted a visa for Dutch PM Geert Wilders to enter the country, Islamic leaders have called for Wilders'...