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Tag: gender politics

A Grumpy Thought: Literacy > Gender Politics

From Daily Mail: A new national assessment will see students in the first grade undergo literacy and numeracy tests so they don't 'fall between the...

Gender Neutrality – What’s Next, Transgender Barbie?

The regressive left, pushed by a clear cultural Marxist agenda, have gender neutrality in their view. It seems that no matter where we look,...

All XYZ writers are equal

How can it not be. If you read an article and it seems dull, you need to like it more. Our less talented and...

Social Media Social Engineering

If Facebook's 'rainbow' filter wasn't enough, YouTube is the latest social media giant to use its considerable reach and influence as a bully-pulpit to...

Barbie goes Full Geek in Mission for Equality

Children's toy company Mattel have announced the latest incarnation of Barbie, who despite ongoing spurious charges of sexism and other leftist pet 'isms', is...

When Stating the Facts Gets You Branded as a “Bigot”

Today's Quote of the Day comes to us from the incisive British social commentator, Brendan O'Neill. O'Neill writes: "If you live in a society in which...

Backlash as Feminists Use Discrimination to Protest, Ummm… “Discrimination”

A University of Queensland bake sale held yesterday has resulted in a vocal backlash after the student union used discriminatory pricing in an attempt...

The “Anti-Bullying” Bullies

Reports have just come in to XYZ that protesters have trashed the electorate office of conservative Liberal senator Cory Bernardi over his opposition to...

“Knuckle Dragging” Pollies – Quote of the Day

Today's quote of the day comes from a conversation on the Catallaxy Files Thursday Forum.  And here it is: goatjam #1978279, posted on March 17, 2016...

The Karate Kid Meets Safe Schools – 2017 Style

A new remake to classic film the Karate Kid is being made in Victoria next year. The plot line has been modernised to address contemporary...