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Tag: Freedom

Protecting You From Your Worst Enemy

If you are like most people there will be one person who has done you more harm than anyone else. That person has done...

Democracy Is the ultimate denial of freedom

Anna Charlotte Living off food-like products, anti-depressants and television, we‘re kept in a bovine state of contentment and subjugation; no better than a herd of...

Adding fuel to the fire

I haven’t had any posts up for the last few days as I haven’t had anything to talk about. There is only so much...

The dark side of clown world: 4Chan’s /pol/ attempt to save...

Patrick Solar When browsing 4chan, one must always be aware that it is the unpatrolled area of the internet swimming pool. One must always be...

‘The Soldiers don’t fight for freedom!’ Really?

Samuel Medici I happened to be one of those few and proud individuals of this fair land that can say that they’ve sacrificed an enormous...

Quote of the Day: If You live in Freedom, Thank the...

Courtesy of Prager University: "The British believed the final and necessary justification of their empire was a moral one. The British kept the peace, they...

Why Socialism Fails

Plenty has been written on why socialism fails. We only need to look at the failure of socialists regimes littered throughout the history of...

Breaking News: Aung San Suu Kyi wins historical Burmese election

Burmese democracy activist and freedom fighter, Aung San Suu Kyi has won an historic election in Burma (Myanmar) today. Although there are going to be...

Australia “Racist”, Say Racist Nations

In a move that brings new meaning to the phrases: "Pot calling the kettle black", and "It takes one to know one", The United Nations has just...

NO to “Wear the Hijab” and YES to “Ban the Burka”?

There is a need for a coherent and consistent approach to the “Ban the Burka” Debate. Can we reject UK Islamist Abu Rumaysah ordering...