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Tag: Cologne

Political correctness exposes West

Australian Journalist Janet Albrechtsen proves yet again in today’s papers her ability to hit the proverbial nail on the head when it comes to...

Cologne Cover-ups Come to Light

A disturbing culture of police and institutional cover-ups is coming to light in Europe; from the rape epidemic in Sweden, to the New Year's...

Merkel 1 – Europe 0

One thing that has concerned us at the XYZ over the last year is the predictable series of negative events resulting from the decisions...

The Silence of the Frightbats II

The continued silence about the male free-for-all in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, from those who are usually oh-so-quick to find sexism anywhere, any...

Wally of the Week – Mayor Henriette Reker

The week since the New Year has seen a scandal grow from bad to worse across Europe. It started in Cologne, Germany, but has...

Ditch the witch

The Guardian are very angry about sexism. They're sick of it. Had enough. So much so, its champion frightbat and union apologist Van Badham,...

Rape Culture

Is it time the west started to face up to some uncomfortable truths, even if it is already too late for some? For many...

Racial Profiling outrage as young women are groped and harrassed in...

The manifest benefits of unrestrained migration and the multicultural utopia promised by progressives and socialists the world over continue to blossom in present day...