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CNN signals pivot from Covid to Climate Change

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has continued his excellent work getting Marxists to admit what we all know. His latest video features CNN heavies admitting...

The media will not be held accountable and nothing will change The Mueller investigation’s findings surprised exactly nobody under the age of 65 who don’t watch networks such as CNN or MSNBC. Now that the...

It’s a cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck world

The Covington high school kids debacle is no doubt the story of the week, maybe the story of the month. Hell, it could become...

The Left Cant Meme – Meme Reviews at Matty Rose Live

Memes are powerful because they combine a few simple words and pictures to communicate powerful ideas and emotions in an instant. Emphasis on the word...

You may not criticize a black woman

Particularly if one is a white man. From the puke inducing CNN: "A white cartoonist’s depiction of Serena Williams breaking her racket during the U.S....

The digitised corporate propaganda blitz

Clancy Thomas Earlier this week the satirical news site the "Babylon Bee" posted a piece entitled "CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine To Spin News Before...

Your Government Hates You

Recently, it has emerged that there were not one, but four lily-livered police officers waiting outside that school in Florida during the shooting. They...

The Real Ideological Difference Between Fox News and CNN

It happened again the other day. Some colourful banter with an otherwise intelligent person on the merits, or lack thereof of various mainstream media...

If You Want to Find Out Who Controls You, No Prizes...

"If you want to find out who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticise" - Voltaire The media narrative about the...

American Pravda: XYZ Reports on Explosive Project Veritas Revelations as Australian...

James O'Keefe, arguably the finest citizen journalist on the planet, has just broken the most explosive story about collusion and deliberately false dissemination of...