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Tag: climate change hoax

Weekend in depth: The Church of the Closed Mind

“When a man stops believing in God he doesn't then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” G.K. Chesterton. The famous quote from G.K. Chesterton may...

BREAKING: Flannery prediction verified to be true

After weeks of trawling through transcripts of former 'alarmist of the year', paleontologist, and all round climate good guy, Professor Tim Flannery, the hardworking...

‘Weather’ is not climate, stupid!

As I write, a massive cold front is sweeping its way across South Eastern Australia. Blizzards are expected in the Victorian and New South...

Bread and Circuses

OMG! Dangerous climate change is now at such critical levels that the inner city lefties of Fitzroy and Newtown may not be able to...