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Tag: climate change hoax

First Aid for Flicker Power

Wind and solar energy have a fatal flaw – intermittency. Solar generators won’t run on moon-beams – they stop as the sun goes down and...

Battery Balony, Hydrogen Hype and Green Fairy Tales

How low Australia has fallen – our once-great BHP now has a “Vice President for Climate”, the number of Australian students choosing physics at...

Net Zero burial of Carbon Dioxide?

The Queensland Government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin. This was an event...

The Carbon Capture Con

Carbon-capture-and-underground-storage “(CCUS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”. The idea is to capture exhaust gases from power stations or...

Diesel in the shed

You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re...

Return of the Hungry Horses

When I was young (many decades ago) we lived on a small family farm at Wheatvale near Warwick on the Darling Downs in Queensland,...

Insane Windfarm Plan for WA

You can’t take your eye off the Globalists for a second. You’re not even started in bringing them to account for the coerced poisoning...

Was 2024 really the second hottest year since 1884?

Iain Davis According to the UK Met Office, 2023 was the second hottest year in the UK since 1884. Quite obviously, this is complete nonsense. Unless they...

Germany’s Farmers Fight Back Against Green Tyranny

The Net Zero agenda poses an existential threat to European agriculture. German farmers have begun a week of nationwide demonstrations, blocking roads with tractors and...

The science of solar global cooling

I’m not a trained scientist. I’m a historian, or more precisely a history educator. That’s my field, and so I’ve been wary of writing...