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Tag: climate change hoax

Floods and drought are nothing new

Viv Forbes There is nothing unusual about today’s floods, fires, droughts, homelessness and hunger – they have always been part of the human story. But...

Why are cow farts so greenhousy?

Nitrogen. It makes up approximately 78% of our atmosphere. Oxygen it makes up almost 21% of the atmosphere. Argon it makes up just under...

Cow Fart Tax: Australia Plans Methane Tax

The Australian Lying Press this morning is reporting that the Australian government intends tax the methane emissions from livestock. They are literally going to...

Global Takeover of British Farms

From Patriotic Alternative Edward Saunders As the momentum and pressure for society to ‘do something’ in regards to climate change gathers pace, farmers are facing yet...

In your face Tim Flannery: It’s 2021 and Perth is not...

On Tuesday 9th November Perth had a thunderstorm. Over 40mm of rain was added to the yearly total. Subsequently, Tim Flannery’s 2004 predictions about...

XYZ Live #97 – “Youths” Strike Back, and their ABC Blame...

The mainstream media are trying to find as many explanations as possible for the recent spike in violence in the usually quiet Melbourne suburb...

Idiot Greta Thunberg named Communist of the Year

Greta Thunberg has been aptly described by Ryan Fletcher as an "autistic antifa spawn, inculcated with feminism and environmentalist communism". She is a slightly...

Bill Gates is our very own Bond villain

The climate change scam is an end of the world death cult with the added bonus that its leaders know how to stop the...

The science that cried wolf

An article today in The Australian concerning the imminent demise of the Great Barrier Reef and the exhortation that something must be done is...

The Positive Impact of Climate Change

A report just published by the scientific journal Nature suggests that global warming resulting from human activity could set back the next ice age...