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Tag: Christopher Pyne

Christopher Pyne the Covid C*@t

Christopher Pyne is a former Manchurian Candidate of the Liberal Party who supported the biggest Communist infiltrator of them all, Malcolm Turnbull in his...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 17 How Bad is Antifa?

Last night David Hiscox from The XYZ, Tim Wilms from the Unshackled and Australian Meditations summarised the week in Australian politics.  Topics included: Tax...

Christopher Pyne the traitorous GetUp! stooge

Editor: Originally published October 17, 2017. This article has been getting quite a few hits recently, especially considering the recent failure of conservatives...

Traitor Turnbull still rules in Canberra…for now

There are a lot of traitors in the Liberal Party: "MALCOLM Turnbull has survived a “humiliating” leadership challenge from Peter Dutton, winning a party-room vote...

Apparently the way to fix immigration is with more immigration

What have immigration and the minimum wage got in common? The correct number for both is ZERO. According to our conservative party masters in the Liberal...

George Brandis, the Warringah motion and why the Liberals need to...

Two important events occurred recently that didn’t receive anywhere near as much coverage as they deserved. The first was the kicking upstairs of George Brandis....

Exposed: More Liberal MPs working with GetUp!

When it was recently uncovered that Christopher Pyne had worked with the far-left group GetUp! to try and attack his conservative enemies inside the...

QLD election: Pauline, Power prices, Palasczcuk and Christopher Pyne.

As Senator Pauline Hanson gets off the plane from India her party has increased its share of the polls in Queensland to 18% with...

A tale of two ministers

Once upon a time there was a cabinet reshuffle in Australia. A man named Turnbull had just become Prime Minister, for reasons we won’t discuss...

In Defence of Power

By Zeitungsdunkel As your author types the first draft of this article, it has been some 30 hours since an event occurred that made South...