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Tag: Baby Boomers

Within Living Memory

How do you see the elderly? When I was growing up, old people were veterans of the Great War. They had either lived through...

Covid & The Great Reset: Final Solution to the Boomer Question

Boomers. As a generation they have been causing problems in society since they were teenagers. From the sexual revolution to rampant materialism, if there...

Death of a Boomer

Rush Limbaugh died last week, may he rest in peace. Rush is an unusual name; I do not think that I have ever come...

Arseholes just grow older

So it turns out that the Boomer who was pushed and shoved by police is a longtime activist with a charge sheet of prog...

The XYZ Now Has A Patreon

The XYZ is expanding, and a key aspect to this will be to change the way we raise funds. Due to security concerns and...

Throwing the Baby Boomers out with the Bathwater

You'll hear it whenever the real or perceived prosperity of the Baby Boomer generation is brought up. Millenials raised on a steady diet of...