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Tag: Australian Greens

Renewable Energy or Reliable Energy: But not both

Viv Forbes Australia’s new ALP Government has gigantic green energy plans to be funded by electricity consumers and taxpayers. They promise (with a straight face) that...

Adam Bandt hates our flag and hates Australia

Never forget that these people hate you and they want you dead: Greens leader Adam Bandt's Australian flag "stunt" has been branded as "virtue signalling"...

SLUT Sarah Hanson-Young Marries SIMP

Remember that time Sarah Hanson-Young said men should stop raping women and David Leyonhjelm told her to stop sleeping with them so she sued...

Greens Leader Marches With Extremists, Grooms Children

Foreign Victorian Greens Leader Samantha Ratnam has been photographed marching alongside environmental extremists in Melbourne on Friday. Big crowds at the #ClimateStrike in Melbourne today!...

The Greens sink Labor

In 1982 the largest environmental campaign in Australia’s history took place in protest at the planned hydroelectric dam on the Franklin river in Tasmania....

Establishment now explicitely AGAINST Free Speech in Australia!

The Australian establishment have declared they are against freedom of speech; this is bound to divide people even further and is not a good...

Quote of the Day: Fat Hairy Lesbians

Everybody knows that socialist political parties are full of hypocritical psychopaths interested only in increasing their own power and satisfying their perverted whims. The history...

XYZ Live #16 – The Australian Federal Budget, Pauline Hanson Preference...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life continue their unique brand of political commentary and philosophical debate in this week's livestream. A case in point...

Australian Greens Fail on Free Speech, Integrity and Milo Yiannopoulos

The Australian Watermelon party are at it again, this time demanding Milo be refused permission to speak at Parliament. Matty's Modern Life breaks down the...

Greens Member Living in an Imaginary World Upset at Losing Imaginary...

Sarah Hanson-Young is upset. But speaking from personal experience, people with hyphens in their name generally are upset about something. Richard Di Natale has...