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Quote of the Day 9/6/2015

Tuesday's Quote of the Day comes from an avid poster: "Capitalist parasite filth sit on their arses and do nothing." It is as though someone has looked deep in our hearts, and articulated exactly what we...

Feminists will forgive terrorists, but not Pastor Mark Driscoll

Controversy was sparked last week when Hillsong church announced that it was inviting the controversial American pastor Mark Driscoll to Australia to participate in their annual conference.  No sooner had the announcement been made than...

Dogged Dees Go Down: Courage and Character in football

Yesterday I watched my beloved Dees battle hard against a quality Collingwood side. For most of the match it was a riveting contest, with frequent momentum shifts and a couple of stirring fight-backs from...

Breaking News: If you alter the data, it is back on message.

Big climate news was trumpeted last week, with reports that the Global Warming Pause, which at first did not exist, then did exist but was not evidence that the theory was wrong, has gone...

Quote of the Day, 8/6/2015: Cracking the ton!

Today's Quote of the Day comes from an unnamed XYZ contributor: "Watching 'likes' for The XYZ is like watching Michael Clarke accumulate runs when you're following the test scores on your phone.  We've cracked the...

Conservative men physically stronger

Over many years, the argument has been put forward that progressives are more intelligent than conservatives. In fact, popular culture assumes that conservatives have conservative views because they are either one of two things:...

Weekend Arts: Every artist in Australia knows that public funding of the arts is...

The government can save billions of dollars in subsidies, grants, awards, and let's face it, welfare payments, by removing all funding for The Arts not directly linked to tertiary education. One, and only one,...

Weekend Arts: Ideological art

Here is a brief article on the nature of modern art, and an attempt at an explanation as to how it manages not to die.  The first thing which needs to be understood about...

Is fossil fuel divestment tokenistic?

Last year, the Australian National University attracted headlines with its plan to divest from companies deriving income from the sale of fossil fuels. This decision by the university attracted both applause and criticism from...

XYZ poll: Majority favours full-scale invasion to smash ISIS.

The numbers are in on the first XYZ viewers poll, which examined the best way to deal once and for all with the Islamic State, with the result that a strong majority of The...