Diversity Murdered Australia
I came across a JewTube video of an old Michael Parkinson staged interview with Barry Humphries in his Sir Les Patterson persona a few days ago and the nostalgia from that led me to...
Todd Woodbridge has Covid Vaccine Heart Attack: Lectures everybody on health
Another one:
One of Australia's most successful tennis stars is urging others to talk with their GP after he suffered a heart attack last week.
Todd Woodbridge has made a career out of his fitness but...
Not One Bishop
I watched a powerful segment of a speech by Fr James Mawdsley concerning the covid measures and whether they were proportionate or effective to the perceived risk.
He makes a really important point in his...
3 Huge Problems in Jordan Peterson’s Conservative Manifesto
Everyone’s favourite Canadian Kermit has decided to build on the success of his pop psychology literary career and has released the so-called Conservative Manifesto. You can listen to him read out parts of it...
Kanye West Is Right About Jews
Joseph Jordan
Shortly after a publicity stunt where Kanye West appeared in a White Lives Matter shirt, he received threatening messages from rapper turned executive Sean “P. Diddy” Combs.
“Nigga send me a address. Let’s stop...
XYZ Live 14: Full Automatic Noongar Narcotisation
Fenian, Nolzy, David and Ryan return to again discuss the so-called “first nations people”. The Greens’ alliance with anti-voice conservatives could spell the end of the third chamber, which we gleefully welcome.
We also further...
Melbourne flooded by rain which was never going to fall
The Maribyrnong River in Melbourne’s inner north east has broken its banks, forcing many residents to flee their homes.
Two decades ago everybody was convinced that this scenario was impossible.
Dozens of residents living near the...
Why are cow farts so greenhousy?
Nitrogen. It makes up approximately 78% of our atmosphere. Oxygen it makes up almost 21% of the atmosphere. Argon it makes up just under 1% of the atmosphere. Then Carbon Dioxide 0.04%. Methane is...
Cow Fart Tax: Australia Plans Methane Tax
The Australian Lying Press this morning is reporting that the Australian government intends tax the methane emissions from livestock. They are literally going to tax cow farts:
Australia will sign up to Joe Biden’s pledge...
PM AnAl considering request to make Australia a nuclear target
No more brother wars:
Australia is considering a request from the Ukrainian president to provide military training support to the war-torn nation.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese spoke with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last night, during which the Ukrainian...