Wally of the Week: Top 3
This has been such a big week for wallies, that Wally of the Week, named after Everyone’s Favourite Muslim Apologist, Waleed Aly, (TM) for the first time has multiple contenders:
3) Michael Ebeid.
The evidence suggests...
Evidence of ABC bias over Union Royal Commission
The following article is from Andrew Bolt's blog. It presents two pieces of footage, one in which a falsehood, or error of fact, uttered by a unionist, was corrected. The smear was that Royal...
The Silence of the Frightbats
Why are Western feminists, the same ones who could work themselves up into a frenzy over a Prime Ministerial wink, and who see sexism and 'rape culture' everywhere they look in Europe, the US...
The Corbyn ascendancy: British Labour to party like it’s 1969.
Has the British Labour Party lost its mind, as well as its confidence, after the electoral drubbing the Tory’s handed it earlier this year? Reports over the weekend strongly suggest they are on the...
Same-sex marriage – inviting the government and politics into the bedroom
I the first part: Political turn-coats come out of the closet over same-sex marriage I discussed the intriguing movement from hostile feminist and queer theories on marriage, and the disengagement of younger generations from...
Quote of the day – 15 August 2015
Our 'Quote of the Day, 15th of August, 2015:
“Male character to female - You stole my boyfriend’s sperm, now you might be pregnant with his baby” - in a scene from the forthcoming series...
Mallah rejected SBS show
SBS insiders have leaked documents to the XYZ which flip the whole scandal of a would-have-been-terrorist presenting his own show, on its head.
Though officially denied, it has been revealed that Mallah and SBS had...
The evidence that John Lyons is correct looks convincing
Here are two of the most important articles on the web right now. The first is a summary by John Lyons, the Australian reporter who first broke the story, outlining his evidence that SBS...
Van Badham goes Godwin
Classless Guardian journalist, Van Badham, provides a glimpse into what passes for political argument among "progressives" with this piece of re-tweeted abuse. Before the usual blowhards crank up the faux outrage over Nazi allusions...