Crikey! Melbourne – the world’s most livable city


BREAKING: Not content to trash the Commonwealth of Australia and portray its citizens as backward and phobic, the leftist nut-jobs who write for Crikey 800px-Melbourne_city_montagenow pour scorn over an international ‘liveability’ award being handed to Melbourne. So the Economist named Melbourne the world’s most liveable city for the fifth time in a row – big deal, Crikey yawned. Had Australia not had such a lamentable series and won the Ashes, the Crikey sports columnist would be demanding we hand them back as unworthy. Crikey! Take off the blindfold and the black arm band and see if you can, just for once, say something about your own country that doesn’t drip with self loathing. Or is that all too much for you?

Source: Is being “the world’s most liveable city” such a big deal?