Where are the critical media?
Think back, dear reader, and try to find a major event in which the politicians had a massive plan which was not derided by the masses and critically assessed by a cynical media.
Prior to...
Quote of the Day: Condoleeza Rice
Our Quote of the Day comes from Condoleeza Rice, who served as the United States National Security Advisor from 2001 to 2005, and US Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009. We love this...
Green Dreams
As James Delingpole has persuasively shown in his brilliant 'Watermelons' (http://jamesdelingpole.com/james-books/watermelons/) most Greenies are actually just communists wearing the green cloak of environmentalism; just like much of the union movement are old fashioned thugs...
Remove roadblocks for Uber and the new economy
The ride share company Uber continues to be attacked by the taxi industry and regulators as it rolls out its operation in Australia.
The taxi industry has complained that Australian governments are being short changed,...
Bill Whittle video: Commemorating the Doolittle raiders
Bill Whittle, in his regular Afterburner series for PJTV, speaks as eloquently as ever, in homage to the great men who risked their lives, and some of whom who gave their lives, to attack...
Twits tweeting away Liberty
Liberty is synonymous with tolerance, equality, freedom of religion, human rights, freedom of speech, sexual liberation and so much more.
At the core of liberty is an oft forgotten, seemingly contradictory conundrum. Simply put, Liberty...
Does this uniform offend you?
There was a time when a man or woman in the uniform of his or her nation's armed forces might be considered a hero, and treated as such. But that time seems to be...
Putin takes on ISIS: He’s no hero
Vladimir Putin has taken a bold step in the last fortnight to wedge Russia into the centre of the fight to stop the Islamic State, sending fighter jets and elite troops to Syria. He...
XYZ Clarification: Quote of the Day
It has come to the attention of The XYZ that because we don't always date the quotes, we can unintentionally mislead some into thinking that the quote was made, by the person quoted, on...
Russia pushes to include Syria’s Assad in coalition against ISIS
Russian President Vladimir Putin is pushing for a new international coalition to fight against IS that would include Syria's president, Bashir al-Assad.
While Syria and Russia have remained allies during the recent conflict, the United...