Verdict on The Verdict
Channel Nine's new Q&A style show The Verdict has premiered, and, whilst the jury will be out for a few weeks yet, early indications are that the verdict will be favourable.
Before the show had...
Pip goes off
Warning - this is NOT satire
Only the Green Left Weekly could turn a terror raid intended to protect the community from Islamic fanatics eager to kill innocent people going about their daily business, into...
When will we actually have an “honest discussion” about violent extremism?
In a seemingly dishonest move to obscure the issue of radicalisation, Australia's Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton has urged Australians of "all religions" to have an "honest discussion" about violent extremism.
Well Minister, Australians of all...
Quote of the Day: The left have managed to turn truth into lies
Quote of the Day goes to one of the good folk on the XYZ Facebook page. Thank you all for the contribution you are making to The XYZ, and engaging in discussions which need...
African migrants demonstrate their gratitude to aid worker
A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to...
My thoughts are with the actual victim…
Last week, in Sydney, on a Friday afternoon, a well liked and widely respected family man named Curtis Cheng left his place of work, just as he had, day after day, for around seventeen...
“What should be the new word for ‘Violent Extremism’?”
The language we are permitted to use with regard to Islamic terrorism has undergone constant evolution sine 9/11.
The expression Islamic terrorism could be considered both honest and descriptive, in that it explicitly denotes the...
“Humans need not apply”
A few weeks ago I wrote a piece entitled time to embrace the new economy.
I observed that "Despite the current pessimistic economic outlook around the world, the new economy driven by significant technological and...
Lesbian bishop in call to ‘Remove crosses from church’ accused of fundamentalism
A Swedish Bishop, of that nation's majority Lutheran Church, has proposed that crosses inside churches be removed, so as not to cause offence to persons of Islamic faith.
Seemingly without a sense of irony, and...
Quote of the day – 6 October 2015
Our quote of the day is included in the picture below, which comes to us from London, London, October 2015.
A sound public policy platform and community minded message, brought to you by representatives of...