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Peter, Putin and Mary

The following song, although performed a long time ago, quite aptly summarises how I feel regarding Putin, and an attitude which I see becoming more and more prevalent in the West - the apparent...

The World’s Most Dangerous Ideology

In the early 20th Century, the world's most dangerous ideology was fascism, which saw the rise and threat of Nazism. During the second-half of the 20th Century, it was communism which left around 100 million...

Turnbull outrage: labels 15 year old’s actions ‘unhelpful’

Renowned socialist, Malcolm Turnbull, has engaged in some of the most strident dialogue to date with the Islamic community, referring to the actions of the 15 year old boy who committed an act of...

Sydney’s Parramatta: “hot bed for extremism”

A student from Arthur Phillip High School in Parramatta, the same school that the perpetrator of Friday's police headquarters shooting, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad attended has been arrested by police this morning. The teenager was...

I am not Charles Mansonphobic

I guess I want to make it plainly clear my issue with Charles Manson is not a problem with race. It's not a problem of nationality. It's arguably a problem with mental illness, with...

Houston, we have a problem…

It’s time to set aside the excuses, the justifications, the denial and the delusion, and accept and embrace the truth – we have a problem with Islam. Please take careful notice of what I...

Parramatta Mosque leader attempts to kick cameraman

In the wake of Friday's killing of Curtis Cheng, Parramatta mosque leader Neil El-Kadomi responds to the media by trying to kick a cameraman. From the video, we can see quite clearly how El-Kadomi...

Global extreme poverty to fall below 10 percent in 2015

The World Bank has announced that the number of people living in extreme poverty around the world is likely to fall to under 10 percent of the global population in 2015, according to World...

XYZ Quote of the Day: Because we can

Yesterday, on the XYZ Quote of the Day, with the poetry of Kipling, we brought you gravity. Today, we bring you levity. Because we can:

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Australia – in percentile terms, what...

I’m so very pleased the Australian Prime Minister is emphasising, at considerable length and with some insistence, that the latest shooting rampage by a black robed Islamic fanatic shouting “Allah, Allah” is representative of...