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Afghan refugee repays Australia

The question that comes immediately to mind watching this disturbing report is not, how or why was he radicalised, but why is he still in our country? Having arrived here as a refugee from...

Straight to the Point – Are we on the same planet?

What a superb question the Isreali Prime Minister puts to the BBC activist masquerading as an 'interviewer' in this perfect exchange. It's only one delightful minute, please do listen. And the answer to Bibi's...

Media hostile to conservatives; favours the left and Islam

Liberal senator Eric Abetz has blasted the Canberra Press Gallery today, arguing that is it hostile to conservatives and Christians while giving favourable and preferential treatment to left-wing politicians as well as to Islam. The...

Table Talk

Penny Wong and the Australian Labor Party fearlessly tackle the really big issues of the day, using Question Time in parliament and a Senate estimates hearing, to demand answers as to how a $590...

Recovering masculinity

Masculinity has taken a hit in recent times. Its virtues have been shunned as irrelevant for our modern age, relegated and rejected as even being harmful and 'oppressive.' Many men have a profound sense that...

Dear Middle East, Let’s do a Swap

I believe I have found a solution to the Middle East Migrant Crisis, a solution to the potential Islamisation of Europe, and a solution to the problem posed by the Islamic State. Let's do a...

Genuine feminists speak – “I’m my own prophet”

What a contrast these two brave, actual feminists make, to the self-entitled and juvenile complaints of the western sisterhood. Whereas the so-called feminists of the west are committed to finding evidence of sexism in...

Weekend Arts – Richter performs Revolutionary Etude

This video which features Sviatoslav Richter performing Frederic Chopin's Etude in C minor Op. 10 No. 12, is noteworthy for several reasons. Chiefly, it is an absolutely stunning performance. The Revolutionary Etude demands absolute control...

Fascism will return, and it will be the left’s fault.

A host of (deliberately named) storm troopers, turn as one to face the camera. Behind them, three tall, red banners bearing a black, strident symbol drape down the facade of a fortress. The scene,...

John Howard – Australian hero

Among the portraits of Prime Minister’s past hanging in Canberra’s parliament house, that of John Winston Howard, Australia’s second longest serving Prime Minister, is the only one to feature an Australian flag. The presence of...