Breaking: Putin rescues Holy Grail from ISIS!
Sources close to The XYZ have confirmed that Russian special forces, led personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin, captured the legendary Holy Grail yesterday in a surprise raid on an Islamic State stronghold somewhere...
XYZ Quote of the Day: Tony Abbott delivers 2015 Margaret Thatcher Lecture
The XYZ Quote of the Day goes to former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott, for his stirring address at the 2nd annual Margaret Thatcher Lecture yesterday.
Abbott clearly and eloquently laid out the moral...
Europe and Asia’s looming population crisis
The ruling Communist Party of China has just announced that it will be ending the nation's controversial 'one child' policy. China will now allow couples to have two children.
China's one child policy was enacted...
Xavier College bully schooled in VCE Facebook slapdown
In a truly shocking and unprecedented development, it has been revealed that high school students write stupid things and are especially prone to mocking and hurling abuse at other students who attend other schools.
What if this does have something to do with Islam – and an entry...
Just a thought to contemplate. Imagine if the ABC and BBC and the Imam's and Islamic lobby groups and the UN and all the progressives are mispeaking when they automatically assure us that something...
Welcome refugees – Screw white people
It is very difficult to put into words just how insulting this juxtaposition of imagery is. In a funky inner city suburb somewhere in Australia, a large poster proclaims that "Real Australians Say Welcome,"...
Dog Day Cartoon
A good political cartoon speaks very loudly without using many words at all. A good political cartoon is also often actually funny. A good political cartoon drives home its point with biting irony and...
When Islam has nothing to do with Islam
"Islam has nothing to do with Islam."
You might have heard this rather sarcastic phrase. Despite its cynicism, it is however, a phrase that sums up rather well the presentation of Islam by our media...
Quote of the Day: Go home, hug your teddy.
The XYZ Quote of the Day for Tuesday October 27, 2015, goes to a great scientist and thinker who has summarised well what we have touched on over the last few days. Love him...
Belgian officials rush to appeasement after attack on army barracks
Yesterday, a man wearing a balaclava tried to ram his way into a Belgian army base. Information on the incident remains sketchy. What is incredible is the language used by the Belgian officials reporting...