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On redeeming Islamophobia and coming out as an “Islamophobe”

According to Wikipedia, Islamophobia is "the fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims." The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "intense dislike or fear of Islam, especially as a political force." Interestingly, Islamophobia is all...

Breaking news: Climate change kills 14 in San Bernardinho

Despite repeated warnings from environmentalists, progressives, Obama, The Pope and Islamic State, climate change has struck again. Three gunmen stormed the event and shot indiscriminately, but targeted the poor nations more than the rich nations....

Jihad Against the Disabled

Fourteen people have been confirmed dead and another dozen or so seriously injured after three gunmen attacked a disability centre in San Bernardino, California. Two of the suspected gunmen (one a woman) were shot dead...

#ExMuslimBecause is going viral

At The XYZ we have been taking great pains to criticise bad ideas. We think Islam and its core teachings are in general bad ideas. We think Muslims are the primary victims of Islam. What happens...

Child-Politicians Stage Sit-In

Sorry kids, you'll need to go around to the side exit if you want to enter your nation's parliament, the home of your democracy, built and funded by your parents and grand-parents taxes. The Greens...

The Next Technology Revolution is Here

Now for something completely different. In the attached video you will see that the next revolution is here, and will be led by technology. Scientists are now able to tackle many of the resource...

Climate Change: What They Haven’t Told You

One of the problems with climate change is that the science, and the facts are often obscured by politics. Patrick Moore, the co-founder and former president of Greenpeace reveals several of the details that are generally...

The Hope of Humanity Rests on Your Shoulders – Quote of the Day

The President of France, Franciois Hollande was quoted today, stating: “Never have the stakes of an international meeting been so high because it concerns the future of the planet, the future of life,” French President...

ABC Finally Names and Shames Terrorists

In the sheltered workshop that is the ABC, an Islamic extremist is not motivated by Islam, even if shouting "Allahu Ahkbar" as he hacks off another head or sprays gunfire into a crowd of...

BREAKING: Saudi Arabia to Cease Oil Production to Ensure Climate Security!

Breaking news from Paris: Saudia Arabia has shocked the world by announcing that it will immediately cease its oil production to ensure climate security. Iran and Russia have followed suit in a shock move of...