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Fighting for the Right to Protest

A planned rally marking the 10th anniversary of the Cronulla riots is being blocked by New South Wales Police which has sought an injunction in the NSW's Supreme Court. Organisers of the rally say...

London terror should trigger rethink on non-lethal weapons

In a week of tragic violent events, we today received the news that a knife wielding man shouting "This is for Syria" has slashed one person's throat & injured two others in Leytonstone underground...

American Muslims Experience “Intense Backlash”

Reading the Washington Post one could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that Muslims living in the United States were the actual victims of last week's latest mass killing by ... errr ... Muslims...

Rudy Giuliani Speaks Sense! Quote of the Day

Today's Quote of the Day for Saturday 5 December, 2015 comes to us from the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani. Speaking in relation to the San Bernardino attack, Mr Giuliani said: "If you can't...

Deadliest Attack on American Soil Since 9/11

The San Bernardino shooting is shaping up to the most deadly terrorist attack to take place on American soil since September 11, 2001,  although you are unlikely to hear that from the mouth of...

Another Senseless Shooting With No Known Motive

FBI officials have revealed that the wife of the San Bernardino gunman had "pledged allegiance" to ISIS in a Facebook post under an assumed name, even as the atrocity was in progress. A spokesperson...

Eastern Europe the Voice of Reason

Alright, lets face it: The Eastern Europe EU member states are going to be the voice of reason moving forward. Not multicultural enough. Not enough state benefits. Not Islamic enough. Not enough cultural self loathing....

The Dangers of Workplace Violence – Quote of the Day

A day after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Barack Obama has come out with this rather thoughtful and cautious statement: 'It could be terrorist or workplace-related.' Such caution and thoughtfulness has never been observed...

The (Lack of) Intelligence of Pseudo-Intellectuals

When I first heard the purported link between terrorism and climate change, I assumed it was a joke. But now I see it is being treated as social-scientific fact. How did people, many of...

Obama – We do not yet know if I have testicles

US President, Barack Obama, has today spoken without vigour, in a lacklustre media conference in which he tried, half-heartedly, to assure the American people that he had 'the best people on the job' to...