Bolta mystery


3972Loyal readers of Australia’s most read columnist, that bona fide, fair dinkum ‘bloody Aussie legend’ (as XYZ memorably put it) that is the one and only Andrew Bolt – or Bolta – are somewhat mystified by this cryptic post on the great man’s (much read) blog.

“I am going to be very busy on a project for the ABC, of all things, over the next couple of weeks. I will drop in now and then when mood and events dictate.”

Just what is Bolta doing, deep behind enemy lines over at the ABC, in the weeks leading up to Christmas? Measuring up outgoing CEO, and supposed ‘editor in chief,’ Mark Scott’s office? We can only dream it may be so.

Or could it be a new look ‘Insiders’ for 2016, with Bolta off the couch and in the big chair? Or perhaps the imaginatively named ‘7.30 Report’ is in for a big change, with Bolta doing the interviewing and Leigh Sales sent for some professional development along the lines of ‘constantly interrupting people is just rude and not actually interviewing.’ Or could it be, deliciously, ‘Media Watch’ that is in for another revamp, with the smug Paul Barry demoted to bringing in the coffee as the director calls ‘cut’ whilst Bolta picks apart the literary pygmies over at Fairfax, Crikey and the excruciating boring Saturday Paper? That seems fanciful – bringing in the coffee is much higher up the food chain than Paul Barry deserves.

Whatever the reason, and the chatter is it’s a documentary on indigenous recognition in the Constitution, the ferals are getting off lightly for the festive season whilst the caustic wit and decisive cut through of Bolta is absent from the keyboard. But everyone deserves some Christmas cheer – even the lefty ferals.

Source: Busy and grateful – Andrew Bolt