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Sydney Siege “Wasn’t Terrorist Event” – Lord Mayor Clover Moore: Quote of the Day

There was no way the XYZ could look past the comments made today by the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, spoken in relation to the first anniversary of the Martin Place siege. Lord Mayor...

Straight to the Point: Budgets and ponzi schemes

I wrote a while back, we have a structural 50 to 70 billion dollar per annum budget deficit. What we see now is a bit better than the new normal, just wait for the...


Imagine there is no sentient cognisant God. Imagine a God as impersonal as time, space and the multitude of known and unknown properties that we call nature. This is a razor's edge away from...

You don’t have to be psychotic and mentally ill to be an Islamic terrorist...

These people who commit terrorist attacks are by definition mentally ill, bearing ill well, are ill advised, and will kill. Was it an IS "inspired" attack? Yes. Inspired by the Koran? Yes. Executed by a...

The Lindt Cafe one year on – Mayor Clover Moron speaks

Just imagine this if you will. A deranged gunman storms into a coffee shop taking the staff and patrons inside hostage. Wearing a bandanna showing his allegiance to the Pope, he forces his hostages...

The Government Isn’t Your Mother, or Your God

I remember a conversation I had a couple of years ago in which a young woman accused me of "lacking compassion", because I wasn't willing to be generous with other people's money. The conversation gave...

Mohammed or Voltaire? Quote of the Day, 14/12/15

"To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." a: Mohammed or b: Voltaire XYZ's quote of the day for Monday, 14 December 2015.

Paris Climate Conference a “Failure” (And That’s the Good News!)

While delegates and media outlets have heralded the Paris Climate Conference as a great success for striking an "historic deal", the Institute of Public Affairs' James Paterson has (with a sigh of relief) named the...

Martin Place Siege, One Year On. What have we learned?

Today, the 15th of December marks the one year anniversary of the Martin Place siege where Man Haron Monis took patrons of the Lindt cafe hostage. Monis claimed to be acting on behalf of the...

That’s the weather done – now for Spectre

In scenes reminiscient of the end of a Bond movie, President Obama has announced the world is all but saved, as the Paris climate change talks ended with a consensus to limit global temperature...