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Transforming Britain into Brazil

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders The idea of a collapse because of mass immigration is flawed, though it was popular in our part of the internet for many years. The fall of civilisations are never really...

XYZ Live 25: Intergalactic Sniff Fest

On the first episode of 2023, the boys reflect on the year that concluded with threats to take our children. Unfortunately, those threats are coming to fruition. We also discuss the pros and cons of advocating...

Voice to Parliament: Dutton Hedges Bet

Headlines are screaming today that Australia’s opposition leader Peter Dutton has opened up a chasm of policy difference between the Liberal Party and the Labor Party regarding the upcoming referendum to establish a Third...

Barbarians Burn Berlin: Germans ordered to wear masks

XYZ News reported today, courtesy of the Richardson Post, on the brutal violence committed by African and Arab invaders in Berlin on New Year’s Eve. Not content with raping thousands of German women across...

Berlin becomes New Year Warzone as migrants show gratitude

John Cody German youth in migrant-heavy neighborhoods once again turned Berlin and other German cities into war zones on New Year’s Day, but this year, news reports indicate that attacks were especially brutal and targeted...

The Myth Of Lazy British Workers

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders The money printed to pay for shutting down the economy for eighteen months, ensuring households didn’t starve and businesses didn't keel over, has caused the worst inflation for a generation. And...

African Gangs Terrorise Tarneit: White kids shamed for asking “Why is your rice yellow?”

Look at these brave African Australians, standing up to the microaggressions of those snobby Paki Australians, with their lighter skin and more practiced ability to take advantage of the opportunities their economic migration to...

ISIS Bride Arrested: Counter Terror Police ACTUALLY Do Their Job

I don’t quite know what to say. There must be some mistake: The wife of an Islamic State fighter who was controversially returned to Australia at the end of last year has been arrested and charged...

Another Covid Penny Comes Crashing Down

Well, this is interesting… America’s National Library of Medicine recently published an article about the Covid19 censorship of doctors and health professionals. This isn’t an insignificant institution. It is situated in Washington at 8600 Rockville...

Support for Slavery Reparations is a Conservative Fait Accompli

From Dissident Mag. Jazzhands McFeels With just one day to go in the year 2022, conservative Tim Pool tweeted that the money the U.S. is sending to Ukraine should instead go to…wait for it…reparations for the...