The Truth about Mixed Race Relationships
From Patriotic Alternative.
James Eden
The dystopian novel 1984 is famous for the tyrannical maxims — war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.
These maxims represent the omnipotent state’s most powerful psychological weapon employed against...
Let’s hear it for 50 year old White Guys
I’m going to give my thoughts on the Oceangate submarine implosion saga, and I’m doing it as a 50 year old white guy with a strong background in adventure tourism, marine rescue and sea...
Australia’s home building industry collapses
From MacroBusiness.
Australia is on the verge of an historic housing shortage and homelessness calamity.
According to the latest federal budget, Australia’s population will grow by a record 2.18 million people over the five years to...
Ministry of Truth: 7 MILLION DOLLAR FINES for opposing The Voice online
The campaign to embed a third chamber of parliament in Australia’s Constitution is going so badly that the government is left with no option but to censor the entire internet:
Digital platforms – including social...
If Putin goes, World War III starts
The deep state media was hyperventilating at the news of a Wagner Group insurrection starting in Russia last week.
Both the ABC and the BBC fake news channels had ‘think tank experts’ on to give...
AUSTRALIA UNDER TECHNO-FEUDALISM: This is how “You will own Nothing, and They’ll be Happy”
From Stephen Reason Substack.
Stephen Reason
“We have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path… We have a golden opportunity to seize something good...
Train to Stay Alive
From Patriotic Alternative.
Luke Gibson
Recent events such as the knife attack perpetuated on women and infants in Annecy, and the early morning stabbings in Nottingham highlight the fact that we are living in a society...
Absolutely, categorically the last XYZ article on what The Bible says about playing with...
I was in a winter forest. Had I just been in a battle? Now I was alone. There was a frozen lake in front of me. I started to walk across it. I saw...
How The Israelis Meddled In The 2022 Midterms
From the National Justice Party.
Joseph Jordan
Much has been said about “foreign meddling” in the American electoral process in the last seven years. Democrats will often scapegoat Russia for electoral defeats, while Republicans enjoy spinning...
In Memoriam: Theodore J. Kazcynski
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences are a disaster for the human race.
This article is not a long-winded elegy on the life of Dr. Kazcynski, but rather a re-emphasis on the fundamental ideals that...