Vikings ravaged by PC onslaught

Daniel Tobin The phenomenon of women wanting to be men is a recent thing and has been lead by the 3rd wave feminist movement. You would think the feminist movement would be about women being...

XYZ LIVE on Australia Day – Jordan Peterson, Change the Date and MGTOW

Here is the latest episdoe of Frequently Asked Questions on The XYZ. David Hiscox, Matty's Modern Life and David Hilton started off with the topic of Australia Day and the left's all out assault on...

XYZ Australia Day Live stream 9pm AEDT

The XYZ will be conducting an Australia Day live stream tonight on YouTube, at 9pm AEDT.  It will be our first live stream, and it will be published afterward as a podcast. You can join...

Australia Day Tribute to Australia, the First Fleet and our Shared History

Matty's Modern Life has a tribute to Australia, its people and its British heritage and culture which makes it great. Short shrift is given to the un-Australian traitors in our midst. And even shorter shrift is...

Guardian writer Jason Wilson’s long list of extremist links

In the timeless classic film Casablanca there is a memorable scene where the Vichy-French Captain Renault, on being asked why he is closing down Rick's café, responds that he is “Shocked! Shocked to find...

Quote of the Day: #ChangeTheDate Push Coming from Greens, not Aboriginals

Jacinta Price, an aboriginal activist and politican, has been all over TV, the airwaves and social media, defending Australia Day against inner-city based left-wing elites. She makes the point, as I have seen from...

Should we #ChangeTheDate of Australia Day, or #ChargeTheGreensWithTreason?

As predicted, the left has this month launched a full-scale assault on Australia Day, under the pretext that it hurts the feelings of some Aborginals. The real motive is communism, and an innate desire...

Free Trade Is for Commies

Henry Armitage So now the left is all about free trade. After all, if President Trump is against it, they’re for it, and vice versa. Almost like their interest in economics begins and ends with...

Day of the Vow: Discriminating Judgment

John Elsegood One of the more offensive offerings, on the situation in South Africa, was from NZ journalist, Florence Kerr and her overheated piece ‘South African expats revive ‘racist’ Afrikaans national day in NZ.’ According to...

Romney set to return: Character counts

John Elsegood Expect former Presidential challenger, Mitt Romney to announce soon that he will run for the US Senate in Utah, in 2018. Long serving Republican senator, Orrin Hatch (83) will step down, in November, after...

Inclusive – You Keep Saying that Word and I Don’t Think you Know what...

Samuel Medicci January is once again upon us and by now we all expect to be inundated with a variety of grievance-mongering and nation-smearing from our self-appointed culturally elite class of leftist overlords. It’s not...

The Message of Star Wars VIII: Let Old Things (Like Christianity) Die

Micaiah “Reach out with your feelings. What do you see?” “The island . . . . life . . . . death and decay, that feeds new life . . . warmth . . . cold...

Jacinda Ardern gets knocked up

Daniel Tobin, NZ Correspondent I recently spent 9 months traveling around Europe, two of those months in the conservative paradise of Poland where people are proud of their heritage, not afraid to speak up against...

Fame, Celebrity Morality, Feminism and the Death of Western Civilisation

Mary Gee When the New York Times accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, Hollywood’s glitterati quickly jumped on the bandwagon to launch their latest crusade. From Angelina Jolie to Rose McGowan, Cara Delevingne, Oprah Winfrey...

FAQ 13: The Last Jedi: The worst Star Wars ever

David Hiscox, David Hilton and Matty's Modern Life discuss why The Last Jedi, also known as Soy Wars, SJW Wars, or just The Last Star Wars, is the worst in the franchise's history. On the...

Privacy is a Lie

Micaiah Twitter has your dick pics, and they have them forever. They don’t have mine because I was never stupid enough to give them to twitter, or even create them in the first place, but the...

Quote of the Day: Bernardi Triggers Treacherous Troubadours

The Culture War in Australia is at a crucial stage, with combatants in The Battle for Australia Day squaring off. When the future half-breed grandchildren of Australia's musos (if they even have any grandchildren)...

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 5: Transgender and Third Wave...

You can read Part 1 of this series here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. Sam Vimes I wrote in Part 4 of the insidious nature of radical feminism amongst the progenitors...

How to Talk to Leftists on Australia Day

Yes, it’s that time of year. Christmas and New Year breaks are gone and our local lefties are looking forward to the next festive occasion on their calendar: Ruining Australia Day. To most of us,...

Quote of the Day: Star Wars needs more diversity, not less

Here is something to whet the appetite of XYZ readers in anticipation of the publication, in the next couple of days, of our FAQ podcast on the latest instalment of Soy Wars, I mean...