Helping friends with the red pill

I received this email from a friend: “Serious question: I have good friends who are now entering the red pill process I entered a couple of years ago. How do you handle it, knowing they...

Food For Thought – The Zionist Effect Of The NZ Shooting

Following on from my initial impression of the Baruch Goldstein style shootings in New Zealand carried out by Brenton Tarrant, some readers queried my branding Brenton a “Zionist”. Some citing this question/answer made by...

The Cargo Cult of Women’s Sport

Originally published 3/3/2019. During World War Two, while the Yanks and the Japs were wasting time fighting each other when they should have together crushed the Soviet Union, they gave primitive Melanesian people a bit...

The disease at the heart of the empire

One of the things that is noticeable in this part of the USA is the sense of imbalance. Everything is oversized; the cars, the cups, the road signs, and of course the people. There...

XYZ Live #59 – Fraser Anning still refuses to Cuck for telling the TRUTH!

Last night was probably the most important livestream we have done. David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life make the case that free speech regarding immigration, Islam and white replacement must be allowed, and a...

Food For Thought – Our System Rewards Criminal Leftists’ Bad Behaviour

Will “Egg Boy” Connolly is set to receive $54,000 dollars from GoFundMe for assaulting 69-year-old sitting Senator Fraser Anning from behind, Will receiving a public beat down from Anning as a result. This caused me...

The war on protein

When viewed in context, the last 40 odd years of government intervention in the health and in particular the dietary habits of the general population carries an ominous whiff of treachery. If you take...

Fraser Anning EGGED in Melbourne! But What Really Happened? – Vlog

Fraser Anning recently came to Melbourne to meet supporters and answer questions. While here a crazy Leftist decided to hit him in the back of the head with an Egg, and hilarity ensured. That wasn’t...

Fraser Anning Press Conference: Accused of being political parasite who feeds off fear and...

Today, Fraser Anning gave a press conference in Brisbane in which he reiterated his condemnation of the actions of Brenton Tarrant, while reinforcing the message that to point out that mass Muslim immigration into...

Fraser Anning and Egg Boy

I’m a YUGE fan of Senator Fraser Anning. I’ve not seen the political system in Australia so shaken up by a single politician than back in the 90s when AIJAC and the ECAJ went...

How the ABC caused the deaths of 50 Muslims in Christchurch

Blackthorn Jack Assuming that all the news reports on the Christchurch tragedy are correct, it appears that a young man who had very real concerns about the globalists' replacement agenda of all white majority countries...


We’ve been working hard on this trip, very hard. When we first arrived 10 days ago one of our primary missions was to find a decent bar which had good food where we could...

Food For Thought – Brenton Tarrant, Like Breivik, Is A Zionist

This recent insanity by Brenton Tarrant is not a product of “White Supremacy” or “White Nationalism”. You only have to look at who Tarrant was in contact with: For those who didn’t follow the story at...

Amazon is now BURNING Books!

Amazon recently took down books by Jared Taylor, Tommy Robinson, Roosh V and others in the latest escalation of silencing non-establishment voices. Jeff Bezos started the company to make money but it appears he's made...

The luxury of being humane

Only the ignorant long for war. But only a fool thinks that war cannot occur in his own backyard. The West has been on a collision course for internal implosion for the past 30...

Senator Fraser Anning responds to mental illness incident in New Zealand

Several crazy people have been detained in relation to a shocking mass murder at multiple mosques in New Zealand today, Friday 15 March, 2019. One of the alleged killers is an Australian, and a...

Brexit Betrayal: EU lays trap for second referendum

The fix is in; European elites are doing what they can to force Britain into another vote in order to get the “right” answer: EU leaders will reportedly allow Theresa May to delay Brexit only...

Galaxy rejoices at #FacebookDown

Agent XYZ1788 has completed his mission, planted the virus, and is currently enjoying some much needed R&R on an undisclosed Mediterranean beach. Operation Gas Facebook was a complete success. From the Fake News Network: A partial...

Kevin Rudd DEMANDS Britain Remain in the EU

Editor: Another morning has revealed fresh treachery from the British ruling class, with a motion passed in the the House of Commons ruling out a no-deal Brexit. From the Australian: In an astonishing result that has...

The REAL Problem with Guns in Australia

In 1996 after a tragedy at Port Arthur, the Australian government passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. The goal was to make Australians safer. But did it actually work? Did gun-control...