The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied their opponents, they slandered everyone they could, dismissed legitimate concerns...

Food For Thought – Tankies Terrorise Trotskyites As Right-Wing Reach Rises

As we’ve discussed previously here at your XYZ, Mark Bray’s black bloc anarchist and Trotskyite retards have been the support test for team Talmud (aka the globohomo Zionist establishment). The goal of said globohomo Zionist...

The Uncuckables Ep. 31: Extreme Alarm

We had a full house on this episode of The Uncuckables, with James Fox Higgins and Australian Meditations joining David Hiscox and Tims Wilms, and we also had a call in from the Senator...

Former ASIO Boss Says Ordinary Australians Threaten Australia

Lately the parasitic establishment have put the anti-nationalist propaganda into overdrive; it’s a remarkable sight watching as they run circles around themselves to attack honest Aussies standing against them. The Climate Cultists over at The...

Food For Thought – Screw Your Speech, Abort Whitey

Pro-White advocates are probably aware that Red Ice was deleted from YouTube the other day. Red Ice has been arguably one of the aesthetically best-looking YouTube TV channels offering in-depth news and commentary for...

Violence solves many things

Back in the mists of time when I was a wee lad growing up, figures of authority in my life would routinely utter the phrase, “violence doesn’t solve anything”, usually after I had been...

XYZ Live #88 – The Episode 88 Save our People Special!

We'd been promising it for months, and we finally got to do it. For our 88th episode, we went through the 88 Precepts by David Lane. Matty wouldn't let me go through all 88 but...

“It’s a lot of sand”: Trump tells Kurds to get stuffed

What a line, Donald: From the Australian: "It’s a lot of sand — they’ve got a lot of sand over there so that’s a lot of sand that they could play with.” The other day I referred...

Food For Thought – The Fascism Of Joker

Joker is shaping up to be an indelible work of propaganda. It sears a psychic scar on the audience which imbues the anti-hero and masters the milieu of mental illness, as Arthur Fleck is...

Plant burgers? You wouldn’t feed your dog this rubbish

Two supposed articles in Saturday’s Weekend Australian explore the tasteful and tantalising future of pretend meat burgers. Plant burger? It could grow on you. Most burger enthusiasts might not bat an eye at the vegetarian option...

Opposing infanticide makes you a nazi in Victoria

On Saturday October 12 the March for the Babies was held in Melbourne to oppose Victoria's horrific abortion laws, which allow an abortion right up to the moment of birth. At 4000 strong the...

When Storytelling Works – Reviewing The Dark Crystal

Netflix has a bad reputation these days and for good reason but, credit where credit is due, they have produced some great content of late. One series that baulks the trend of “zomg huwhite man...

Nobel goes to black guy so Greta Thunberg can’t complain

When herding cattle, you want to ensure the cattle always know who is the boss, and that they don't get too far ahead of themselves. Climate crisis actor Greta Thunberg had been odds on...

Food For Thought – Atypicals And The Aryan Asylum

As you may have gathered XYZers, there are some things I identify with Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker (aka Arthur Fleck) on. Like Arthur I too have been assaulted by a gang of diversity thugs for...

The Uncuckables Ep. 30: Joker Week

Topics discussed: Joker. Extinction Rebellion. Box Hill Police Station treachery. PPP. Fuck the Kurds. Trump impeachment trap. How Hollywood's glorification of nerds and demonisation of jocks is actually a Jewish psy-op designed to subvert...

Chinatown wasn’t meant to be the entire city

Once you understand and fully internalise the truth that all media is simply advertising, it becomes a process of gradual illumination as you step from reading between the lines to reading the inherent truth...

E. Michael Jones Interview: Ethnos Needs Logos

Here is an interview Matty's Modern Life conducted with E. Michael Jones a couple of weeks ago. They discussed Jews, Homosexuals, Christianity and Ethnic Nationalism. Naturally, neither of them held back. Follow the link to watch...

Abortion is murder

Editor: Originally published October 1, 2019. There will be a March for the Babies today, Saturday October 12 in Melbourne. It starts at the Treasury Gardens at 1pm, and you can find details here....

Food For Thought – The Counter-Culture Is Against Them

I’m often fairly open about my cognitive condition (epilepsy) and psychiatric disorder (epileptic psychosis). I make it an overt point for certain people to exploit, as was similarly attempted with Commander George Lincoln Rockwell,...

Fuck the Kurds

Back in the 80's, Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds (apparently) and we all felt sorry for them. Then during Iraq War 1 George HW Bush said something vaguely resembling a call to arms, the...