Dia Beltran: I confront the most hated man in Australia


Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered in Princes Park, Melbourne, in June this year. Jaymes Todd was subsequently arrested, charged with her murder. Australia’s Political-Media Complex politicised her murder in the following weeks, the most notable moments being a deplorable rant by Lisa Wilkinson on Channel 10’s The Project and a row on the floor of parliament between Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm and Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young in which the latter, after opposing a bill to allow women the right to defend themselves with non-lethal weapons, accused the former of “slut-shaming” her.

The point of the politicisation was to blame all men and so-called “toxic masculinity” for Dixon’s death, rather than the autism of the alleged murderer, or the simple fact that some people are just psychopaths. It was in this context that Andy Nolch defaced a memorial set up to Eurydice Dixon by drawing a penis on it, for which he was charged and fined a considerable sum.

Dia Beltran, who has appeared on several XYZ Livestreams interviewed Nolch on her own channel last Wednesday night, and she was accompanied by Matty’s Modern Life. Dia made it clear that she believes there was no justification for defacing a memorial to someone who has been raped and murdered. Matty sympathised with Nolch’s motives for the vandalism but argued that he should have found another way to express his dissent. They also delved into scientology, to which Nolch subscribes.

Here we turn it over to The XYZ readers:

Was Andy Nolch completely unjustified in defacing the memorial of a girl who was raped and murdered?

Did Nolch have good intentions but chose the wrong way to express his dissent?

Or, given feminism’s obsession with penis envy and the fact that Dixon’s death had already been politicised, was Nolch justified in drawing a penis on Eurydice Dixon’s memorial in order to oppose this politicisation?