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Tag: Eurydice Dixon

It takes balls to draw a dick on the memorial to...

Editor’s note: Originally published on October 10, 2018. In recent weeks the Australian political and media elite has politicised a mass murder in Bondi by...

Dia Beltran: I confront the most hated man in Australia

Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered in Princes Park, Melbourne, in June this year. Jaymes Todd was subsequently arrested, charged with her murder. Australia's...

A curfew for women: What a great idea

A recent letter to The XYZ was titled "No women allowed out after dark"? What a Totally. Awesome. Idea. I have, quite genuinely, been racking...

David Leyonhjelm Did Nothing Wrong

David Leyonhjelm has stood up to the bullying of leftists by telling Sarah Hanson-Young where to put it, and has refused to apologise for...

XYZ Live #24 – David Leyonhjelm did NOTHING WRONG! Plus Farmlands...

One of our most important livestreams, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discuss the conservative capitulation to the left regarding David Leyonhjelm's calling out...

Why every conservative must stand up for David Leyonhjelm

In June, Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered as she walked through Princess Park in Melbourne late at night. In response police, conservatives and regular...

The Project’s Lisa Wilkinson starts a gender war over Eurydice Dixon

Last week Lisa Wilkinson made one of the least comprehensible monologues ever seen on The Project, where she tried to collectively blame all men...

#YesAllMen? Welcome Back the Patriarchy

When a woman is raped and murdered, like Eurydice Dixon, there seems to be a general consensus that the man responsible is a moral...

Senator slut-shames slut

What is the first thing you think of when you look at Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young? You just don't want to know where that thing...

XYZ Live #22: Eurydice Dixon, Media Propaganda and Donald Trump

Working together from Matty's Modern Life's studio, the conversation flowed well during this podcast. Topics covered included: The MSM's manipulation of the rape and...