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Tag: rape

Aussie Police announce FOOLPROOF Plan to END CRIME Forever!

Australian Police, under the guidance of Premier Daniel Andrews, have it all figured out, they know exactly how to stop crime in its tracks...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 12 Fashtag Warning

Last night we warmed up by shitposting about all the innocuous symbols the so called faaaaar rrrrrrrrright has appropriated. For example: lol Matty happened across some...

XYZ Live #69 – FAAAARRR-RIIIIGHT Sweeps Europe and More Leftist Tears

Thank you to everybody who tuned in to last night's XYZ livestream, next week we will be back to our usual Monday night at...

A Tale of Two Ex-Leaders – a 2019 Election Story

With the close of another election the political landscape of Australia has once again been reformed and it is time to endlessly debate the...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 8 Election Goes to Hell

It was a big episode last night. Neil Erikson came in and had a rigorous discussion with James Fox Higgins over whether it is...

Rape case may reopen: Could #MeToo hurt Bill Shorten?

In September 2014 Larry Pickering published a lengthy interview with Kathy Sherriff, a woman who alleges that Bill Shorten raped her at a Labor...

George Pell and the Australian assault on Christianity

An article snuck across my radar last week, hidden at the very bottom of the news, seemingly only included as a necessity that had...

Dick Ears Dan Blames Men

It happened again, another psycho loser has been arrested in relation to the death of another young woman walking home alone at night in...

Dia Beltran: I confront the most hated man in Australia

Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered in Princes Park, Melbourne, in June this year. Jaymes Todd was subsequently arrested, charged with her murder. Australia's...

When All Else Fails, Why Not Yell “Rapist!”

I’ve sat back and simply observed for the past few weeks the sheer lunacy of the confirmation hearing for new Supreme Court justice nominee,...