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Tag: Dia Beltran

It takes balls to draw a dick on the memorial to...

Editor’s note: Originally published on October 10, 2018. In recent weeks the Australian political and media elite has politicised a mass murder in Bondi by...

Opposing infanticide makes you a nazi in Victoria

On Saturday October 12 the March for the Babies was held in Melbourne to oppose Victoria's horrific abortion laws, which allow an abortion right...

The Uncuckables Ep. 28 Blasphemy and Freedom

Is blasphemy free speech? Do freedom and civil liberties lead to the most stable society? Those are the questions in discussions on tonight's Uncuckables...

Dia Beltran: Housing Affordability Crisis in Australia

Everybody is talking about the coming Bubblegeddon which is going to hit the Australian housing market. It could hit tomorrow, it could hit in...

2018 Melbourne March for the Babies – the vlog

This is my vlog of the 2018 Melbourne March for the Babies, a right to life rally demonstrating for the right of unborn babies...

Dia Beltran: Discussing Andy Nolch, Toxic Feminism & identifying as white...

Dia Beltran has appeared on The XYZ Livestream on several occasions. On Wednesday night, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life appeared on Dia's livestream,...

Dia Beltran: I confront the most hated man in Australia

Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered in Princes Park, Melbourne, in June this year. Jaymes Todd was subsequently arrested, charged with her murder. Australia's...

XYZ Live #34 – The Dalai Lama did Nothing Wrong! Unlike...

The Dalai Lama has once again this week revealed his true bigot colours by announcing that Europe is for the Europeans and that refugees...