XYZ Live #16 – The Australian Federal Budget, Pauline Hanson Preference Deal, Karl Marx and more!


David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life continue their unique brand of political commentary and philosophical debate in this week’s livestream. A case in point was the opening topic. This week saw the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, which led to a discussion of the usual problems of Marxist thought – millions of deaths – which in turn developed into a discussion of the character of Karl Marx, cycles of history from democracy to tyranny, and Universally Preferable Behaviour.

Other topics included:

  • The 2018 Australian Budget and the ABC’s big sook over so-called loss of funding
  • One Nation’s preference ultimatum to Bill Shorten regarding the Greens
  • The Iran nuclear deal and 4D Chess


Photo by deirdrechute