Free Stephen Wells: JAILED for celebrating Australia Day


So, it’s illegal to celebrate Australia Day in Australia now.

It’s terrorism too, apparently.

Last Sunday Australian nationalist group NSN held an Australia Day celebration at a number of Adelaide war memorials. They marched peacefully and orderly with faces uncovered, bearing Australian flags and singing Waltzing Matilda.

They did so because official Australia Day celebrations, which had already been subverted into multicultural festivals, have been conveniently cancelled since Covid. In the same spirit, hundreds of Aussie patriots attended an Australia Day celebration outside Melbourne’s tennis centre, while attendance at the so-called “invasion day” marches whose hateful rhetoric has triggered a wave of anti-White hatecrimes dramatically diminished.

In Adelaide, the Aussie nationalists were harassed at every step by police, with multiple members arrested including their leader Thomas Sewell.

As he was arrested Sewell calmly stated:

“I have come peacefully, I have not hurt anyone,” he says.

“They have arrested us for celebrating Australia Day, they are led by corrupt traitors who hate this country and are trying to disrupt any national spirit or national pride – they hate Australia.”

Police laid frivolous charges such as “loitering” and “wearing an article of disguise” which will not stand up in court, but serve the purpose of imposing bail conditions which restrict their movement, and prevent them from associating with fellow NSN members and engaging in political activism.

In a farcical scene the next day, viral sensation Joel Davis was arrested outside an Adelaide courthouse as he waited for his colleagues to be bailed.

To summarise, South Australia’s police were weaponised against patriotic Australians in order to prevent any expression of national pride on Australia Day. Any organisation which represents the interests of White Australians is a direct threat to the globalist masters of the Australian state and must be crushed.

However, you cannot enforce multiculturalism and replace a people via mass immigration without raising the racial consciousness of the target group, because increased contact with foreigners naturally induces a greater desire to be among one’s own kind. These brave men knew they were walking into a police trap but went anyway, because in doing so they triggered a trap of their own.

The system was forced to demonstrate its violent opposition to the will of the Australian people, just as the Victorian and Northern Territory governments did during Covid Tyranny, and the New South Wales government did when it prevented nationalists from celebrating Australia Day last year. This will in turn trigger greater opposition to government oppression and strengthen the racial consciousness of Anglos.

The XYZ’s Stephen Wells was arrested during the event in Adelaide and remains in prison awaiting sentence after refusing to apply for bail:

Wells was charged with loitering and appeared in an Adelaide court on Monday. He did not make an application for bail and was remanded in custody to reappear in March.

In court he declared that he wanted to make a formal complaint against the police alleging “unlawful conduct” including “kidnap, assault, withholding medical attention and deprivation of liberty.”

Having known Stephen for several years, this is fully in keeping with his character. He has demonstrated great moral courage, being outspoken in his opposition to the climate and Covid scams, to the grooming of children, in his promotion of White interests and in his dedication to Christ, and he even ran for local office. He is backing up this moral courage with great physical courage.

To hazard a solid educated guess as to his motives, I believe Stephen would not want to give any legitimacy to a system which has brazenly targeted patriotic Australians solely for their political beliefs, and is prepared to endure hardship until his trial in order to fully expose state tyranny.

Below are details on how readers can support Stephen:

Stephen Wells #194270

Adelaide Remand Centre

208 Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

If you want to send any money, it just be needs to be less than $200 in the form of a money express order from the Post Office with his full name of Stephen Wells.

You must also put your full name and postal address on the back of your letter.

In addition, you can buy Stephen Wells’ books here, and please keep him in your prayers.

You can find The XYZ on Twitter, Substack and Gab.