Stephen Wells is being Starved and Tortured in Prison


As reported by The XYZ, Stephen Wells was arrested in Adelaide on Australia Day along with fellow NSN members, for the heinous, un-Australian terrorism crime of celebrating Australia on Australia Day.

The nationalists were slapped with frivolous charges which will not stand up in court, with the intention of forcing upon them unlawful bail clauses which restrict their association, movement and political speech.

Most members have accepted these terms in order to better prepare their defence, however Stephen has not, and it is apparent that he is being punished accordingly. A source has revealed that his conditions in transit to prison and in prison have been nothing short of appalling.

When he was arrested, he was handcuffed in the back of the divvy van but suffered a severe cramp in his upper body, most likely as a result of being cuffed. He informed the police of his distress in no uncertain terms, which they dismissed with words to the effect of “you’ll keep, mate”.

He was in agony.

While in prison he was not supplied with toilet paper, and has had to resort to washing off his nether regions in the shower. This is highly unhygienic and carries a severe risk of infection and disease.

Of most concern, Stephen was kept in solitary confinement for seven days without food. Stephen follows a strict carnivore diet, but guards could not or would not accomodate this dietary requirement, so they simply did not provide him with food. He was basically just provided with water so he wouldn’t die. He has been promised eggs every day, but it is unclear whether this has as yet been provided.

These conditions quite clearly amount to torture, and Stephen’s life is in danger. This should not occur in a so-called “first world country”. In a nation whose media is obsessed with aboriginal deaths in custody, the fact that The XYZ is the only publication in the country breaking the news of his horrendous conditions is an absolute scandal.

One can only conclude that he is being treated this badly because of his political beliefs. Stephen Wells is in every respect a political prisoner.

Here are the details to send Stephen Wells letters of support:

Stephen Wells #194270
Adelaide Remand Centre
208 Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

If you want to send any money, it just be needs to be less than $200 in the form of a money express order from the Post Office with his full name of Stephen Wells. You must also put your full name and postal address on the back of your letter.

Stephen’s predicament is occurring at an historic juncture. Australia is currently undergoing a bizarre transformation which makes Covid Tyranny look like a libertarian convention. Authorities claim that a shady international figure is paying junkies in crypto to launch anti-semitic attacks in Australia. The situation is so strange that even Andrew Bolt is hinting at false flags.

In response to these actions by what is likely a foreign intelligence agency, the government is systematically suppressing the political speech of White Australians and plans to criminalise any criticism of multiculturalism.

Amid all this, one of the most popular sporting and media figures in modern Australian history, Sam Newman, has just interviewed leading nationalists Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell.

A crucial peg of Clownworld’s strategy is to prevent nationalists speaking directly to the masses, but that’s just been torpedoed. Australia is about to go off tap.

You can find The XYZ on Twitter, Substack and Gab.