Aboriginal activist says democracy is racist


It’s not a free country anymore, so it’s “racist” to do White People Things on mountains.

On an increasing number of Australian mountains, you’re only allowed to worship demons posing as your ancestors. Climbing to the top to snap some pictures is basically terrorism. Naturally, it is “racist” to publicly oppose this policy.

From their ABC:

Traditional owners in western Victoria say a draft cultural heritage management plan for Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park has caused a spike in racial abuse and harassment of Aboriginal people online and in the community.

The looming closure of at least half of all rock-climbing areas in the world-famous park has sparked vocal opposition and action from climbing groups, locals and politicians.

The state government released its draft plan in November, a measure that was met with concern from climbers but welcomed, in principle, by traditional owners.

Six members of the local Aboriginal community have since told the ABC that decades of racist rhetoric and abuse towards them, particularly online, had left them fearful and anxious to speak out.

“A lot of Aboriginal people don’t comment because of how much hate it generates,” Wotjobaluk man Johnny Gorton said.

“People go after individuals and they go on your social media and they say racist things.”

That’s a bit rich. Everybody reading this XYZ article understands the personal and professional cost of publicly declaring any opposition to the left wing extremist agenda. We also know what happens if you point out the bleeding obvious about our friendly Aboriginal activist.

The next bit takes the cake:

“The amount of times I’ve seen the comment, ‘We voted No in the referendum, why are all these Aboriginal issues still a thing?'” Wotjobaluk man and traditional owner Brett Harrison said.

Their ABC made a point of highlighting this paragraph as though it was a prime example of “racism”.

It reveals their anxiety about the power of such a statement. “Multiculturalism” and aboriginal identity politics are agendas enforced from above. Our rulers assumed they had sufficient control over the transmission of information that they could shame Australians into voting against our own interests in the referendum. Instead they were comprehensively trounced.

The statement ‘We voted No in the referendum, why are all these Aboriginal issues still a thing?’ points out that governments have no mandate to pursue extremist policies which disenfranchise Anglos. In taking issue with such a statement, aboriginal activists are calling democracy “racist” because they didn’t get their way.

Looking at the situation objectively, Australians and aborigines merely have opposing ethnic interests which are mediated through the democratic process. Anti-White extremists reframe this, labelling pro-White activism as “racist” and anti-White activism as “antiracism”.

Another way of putting this is that the anti-White extremists just straight up lie, and the will of the people is systematically repressed.

The proposed bans on climbing in the Arapiles expose the nature of the ClownWorld “our democracy” system. The overwhelming rejection of “the voice” by the Australian public was a rejection of all extremist aboriginal identity politics. It demonstrated that there is no mandate for any of it – voice to parliament, welcome to country, changing the date of Australia Day, aboriginal weeks in football matches, etc. Nobody wants any of this and if we were allowed a vote on them, we’d have some hard data on just how unpopular they are.

Our rulers do not care, and carry on with this nonsense anyway. Similarly in Europe, elections are cancelled if the results favour the wishes of native White Europeans, and in America, Donald Trump was elected with a mandate for mass deportations, but it appears mass “legal” immigration was in the fine print. Aussies have never been allowed to vote on whether we want to be replaced via mass immigration either.

Generally, we’re only allowed to vote when ClownWorld knows the outcome in advance. The fact that a referendum was even held on the so-called “voice to parliament” indicates that ClownWorld is not yet strong enough to completely override the Australia constitution. This should give us ample motivation to continue the political struggle.

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