As of writing, Trump is yet to take office again. However, he’s already announced more territorial conquests than Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar combined.
According to Trump, Greenland, Canada, the Gulf of Mexico and the Panama Canal are set for takeover. Trump has said he’ll use ‘economic force’ to take Canada, and Denmark has responded by upping their military budget for Greenland by US$1.5bn.
I’d be OK with Trump conquering Australia as long as we get open carry and the ABC gets sold off.

Trump’s political identity is based on his ability to negotiate, and so he could be memeing, of course. The world is getting weird, though, and we have been on the brink of a geopolitical catastrophe between the Five Eyes (Six if you count Israel) and pretty much everyone else for several years.
Is Trump looking to better forward-position Allied forces before war breaks out with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea?
Is Trump planning to use the coming global sovereign debt defaults to transform America into a territorial, rather than hegemonic, empire?
Will the Six Eyes merge into one unitary maritime empire?
Or is it all about a behind-the-scenes agenda to carve the world up with the other two great world powers and avoid World War III?
No one who can talk about it knows yet. If they say to you they do, they’re lying.
Trump is also gathering the billionaires behind him. Zuck has cucked on his woke employees and joined the techbros. Musk and Bezos are BFFs now. Both Bezos and Zuck will attend Trump’s inauguration. Trump has even had a long dinner with Bill Gates during which they discussed Bill’s favourite topic, medical genocide global health.
Trump’s emerging billionaire power bloc has clearly freaked out the deep-state bureaucrats who control Biden. They know this could represent a permanent end to their chaotic, neo-Marxist agenda. They even had Biden warn about an oligarchy rooted in the ‘tech-industrial complex’ taking over and ending American democracy as he left office.
This is opposed, of course, to an oligarchy rooted in BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and the Soros Foundation taking over American democracy and turning the freaking frogs gay.
I’ll take the techbros, Joe.
The techbro takeover has been most evident in Trump’s close relationship with Elon Musk. Now, I don’t believe for a second that Elon Musk is a unique supergenius who just figured out battery technology, self-driving cars, personal robotics, advanced rocketry, satellite networking, interplanetary travel, advanced subterranean drilling, and AI all by himself.
He’s not Iron Man, right?
The best explanation is that Musk is a figurehead for a tech-industrial complex with roots that go back to suppressed advanced technology built up by the shadow military research departments over the decades. The cookersphere has talked about advanced tech hidden by the shadow government for decades. It’s a topic usually connected with Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), UFOs and sci-fi weaponry.
My guess is that the agenda is to release the technology through someone they control via the private sector, thus avoiding the pesky regulations and bureaucratic oversight that come with the sclerotic, neurotic American government.
This agenda would perfectly suit the ascent of a billionaire populist whose role is to end the inefficient and corrupt republican system of government, replace it with a form of private-sector technocratic Caesarism, and Make America Great Again.
Sound too outlandish? The parallels between Trump and Caesar have been apparent from the start, becoming clearer as time goes on.
Trump making peace with the billionaires who’ve been trying to kill him is just what Caesar would have done. It ultimately led to Caesar being assassinated by the very men he thought he’d won over.
Musk plays the role of the king of the nerds, but it’s a powerful network of techbro nerds that he’s the captain of. These guys have made billions off crypto and own and run companies with emerging tech far beyond what the public today believes exists.
I am of the view that this is the foundation for the power of the new emerging elite Biden was freaking out about, right in time for World War III.
The technological basis for this new elitism will not simply be rockets or robots. Instead, it’s all about plasma science.
Normie scientists still poo-poo concepts such as scalar physics, gravitic propulsion and space-time manipulation, but they’re just retarded normies. This stuff is real. It’s what the plasma orbs seen worldwide, particularly in New Jersey, are all about.
This massive topic will soon become one of the decade’s biggest stories. I won’t attempt to explain the science deeply here, but if you’re curious, this video gives a good introduction to plasmoids.
If you want the keywords to get started researching for yourself, start with Zero Point Energy, the Casimir Effect and gravitic propulsion. Bring your big brain game.
Shawn Ryan’s recent interview with Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale is one of the two pieces of evidence that has convinced me that Musk and Trump are connected to the imminent release of advanced plasma technology.
It’s a long interview, and for understandable reasons, Joe is very cagey about what he does and doesn’t know. However, if you want to prove to yourself that Musk and Co. are into plasma science, it’s a great place to start.
Joe Lonsdale is the founder of Epirus, a defence company that specialises in anti-drone swarm technology. More released tech. It’s pretty cool. Check it out.
The Leonidas system doesn’t require plasma science to function; however, if you listen closely and read between the lines in the interview with Lonsdale linked above, you will see that he knows what plasma science is all about.
I mentioned that two pieces of evidence convinced me that Trump will soon manage the release of plasma technology. The second is that the work of Nikola Tesla, whom Musk named his battery car company after, is foundational to plasma science.
For decades, Tesla’s work has been a core focus for fringe theorists about plasma science. When Tesla died, the FBI confiscated all his work and sent it to one professor at MIT to have sole discretion to study it.
That man was Donald Trump’s uncle, Professor John G. Trump.
Trump knows.
From Trump:
“a round ball but it wasn’t a comet or a meteor, it was something and… it was going four times faster than an F-22… and it was round which, in theory, isn’t a great shape…”
Trump’s teasing there. He knows what that is.
It’s a plasma orb. UFOs aren’t just metallic objects that zip and zag around. Very often, the reported sightings are of variously-coloured balls of plasma moving in ways that defy mainstream physics.
That’s because mainstream physics is a limited hangout, and we live in an electric universe where science-fiction tech is possible.
The techbros looked like they were politically inexperienced when Musk blew up the MAGA base by demanding that infinity Indian software engineers be brought into America via H-1B visas last month. When you understand that the techbros will need massive numbers of codemonkeys to grind as they develop the technologies that plasma science unlocks, it all begins to make sense.
Musk wants to go off-world. Plasma-based technologies might make that possible. He says that the Martians would have democracy returned to them by ending representative democracy and replacing it with direct democracy.
When Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor, ‘restored’ the Republic in 27 BC, he told the plebs the same thing.