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Tag: aboriginal identity politics

Aboriginal Demons

An attitude towards Christianity that I encounter somewhat frequently is that it is not relevant for today’s modern world. Things have moved on, it...

“Voice to Parliament” Will Ultimately Rule Over Parliament

Editor: Originally published July 30, 2022. So it begins: In a major announcement, the Prime Minister will unveil a draft question that Australians could be asked...

The Wave Hill Walk Off Is Still Killing

Originally published August 22, 2021. Imagine that you are a member of a stone age hunter gatherer tribe that has never seen a wheel or...

Better to be a racist than to have abos rule over...

There are a few things in life that you can count on as sure things, death and taxes being two of the most prominent,...

Voice to Parliament has become a Sick Joke

In the latest instalment of “the Voice to Parliament is going so badly” ….. The Australian is publishing XYZ News style headlines: And the far...

The reason aboriginal identity politics gets shoved down our throats

Originally published September 16, 2019. Last week a speaking tour by aboriginal conservative Jacinta Price sparked a backlash from far left activists in Coffs Harbour,...

Fraser Island “renamed” to K’goonawarrabiggapoontang

Let’s make this clear from the outset. Fraser Island has not been “renamed”. The Marxist Regime ruling Queensland has decided to call Fraser Island...

This AFL LUNATIC is banning fans: Shoving “the voice” down our...

The AFL has plunged to new depths of Orwellianism, issuing life bans to fans accused of “racism”. From their ABC: The AFL has confirmed nine football...

Aboriginal Street Gangs Wage War On Population

From Cairns News. Vigilantes armed with baseball bats could soon be a familiar sight on the streets of Cairns, Mareeba and Townsville as Labor’s feeble...

The Inevitable Republic: Should White Australia Ditch The Monarchy?

Originally published at Occidental Observer. As the vote on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum looms, Australian dissidents and other supporters of White Australia should...