Dictator Dan is Toast


Strong evidence indicates that in 2013, a drunk Daniel Andrews crashed his car into a teenage cyclist, then relied on a corrupt Victoria Police force to cover up the crime.

From Sky News:

An expert review into a near-fatal crash involving Daniel Andrews’ family SUV and a teenage cyclist has accused Victoria Police of engaging in an “overt cover-up” to avoid implicating the former premier.

An expert review into the car crash involving Daniel Andrews’ family SUV and a teenage cyclist, commissioned by the cyclist’s family, has accused Victoria Police of engaging in an “overt cover-up” to avoid implicating the former premier.

Teenage cyclist Ryan Meuleman was hospitalised in January 2013 following a collision with the Andrews family SUV in the beachside suburb of Blairgowrie.

According to police records, the vehicle was being driven by the former premier’s wife, Catherine Andrews, with the couple both insisting the vehicle came to a “complete stop” before turning right and being “t-boned” by Mr Meuleman’s bike.

But a new review by a former Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner has determined the SUV had likely been “travelling at speed” and had cut the corner before striking the bike.

The 36-page review by Dr Raymond Shuey, the state’s former Assistant Commissioner for Traffic and Operations, claims the Andrews’ version of events is “improbable and implausible”, and concludes the police investigation in the incident – which supports the Andrews’ version of events – was “deeply flawed”, “unfounded” and “contrary to the available evidence”.

Pointing to the fact the traffic incident system report submitted by police had recorded the vehicle’s driver as “Catherine Louise Kesik” – Ms Andrews’ maiden name – Dr Shuey accuses Victoria Police of engaging in “an overt cover-up to avoid implicating a political figure in a life-threatening crash”, stating the “failure by supervisors and reviewers to identify this or seek explanation is inexcusable.”

They hoped nobody would know, and nobody would be able to find any police records.

The former Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner also accuses the former Victorian premier of constructing a version of events that was “clearly intended to place fault on the cyclist”, pointing to Mr Andrews’ claims the cyclist “absolutely T-boned the car”.

The review – based on an analysis of FOI documents, witness statements, and Dr Shuey’s own reconstruction of the incident – finds that contrary to the official version of events, the near-fatal crash was “definitely not a low-speed vehicle impact”.

“It was definitely not a high-speed bike impact against a slow speed vehicle – otherwise the flip motion of the cyclist would have been in a different and opposite direction to his actual trajectory,” the review states.

A further Sky News television segment reveals more irregularities:

  • Police initially claimed they had breathalysed Mrs Andrews but later admitted they had not.
  • Police did not quarantine the scene.
  • The Andrews were allowed to drive off in their unroadworthy vehicle, despite it being a crucial piece of evidence.
  • A witness claimed they had seen Mrs Andrews in the passenger seat.
  • A police officer at Rye took over the investigation and called back a unit which was closer to the scene.
  • The investigation was closed at 6pm the same day.

This stinks.

It deepens suspicion of systemic corruption at the highest levels in Victoria, given that Daniel Andrews has walked away from multiple corruption inquiries with barely a scratch.

Moreover this fits a pattern of behaviour from the Andrews family, whereby they tell fantastic lies to cover for Dan’s foibles. Remember his explanation – slipped on wet steps – for how he completely disappeared from public view in the middle of the longest lockdown in the world?

Oh, no wait, here we go.

These were the steps which put him out of action, apparently.

We don’t believe you Dan. Could it be that you really were bashed senseless by one of the Fox crew for making a pass at someone’s teenage daughter?

It is rumours such as this that hint at the real power structure in Victoria, and which could ironically indicate that Dictator Dan’s time is up. Melbourne witnessed the greatest protests in Australia’s history immediately after the lockdowns ended.

Melbourne, Freedom protest in November 2021.

However, the lesson we learned was that protests do not dictate policy. Power brokers astroturf approved protest movements in order to convey the impression of popular support for unpopular policy changes. Case in point, witness the hilarious police response to BLM protests.

However, when Victorian construction union members protested against vaccine mandates, Daniel Andrews and his Victoria Police lackeys panicked.

This was because his power base was revolting, and he needed it. Victoria is to a large extent run by unions (along with several other factions…) These very same unions have been embroiled for months now in scandal, with the open secret of organised crime links finally receiving a fair airing in the national media.

Meanwhile new Premier Jacinta Allan is looking down the barrel of electoral defeat as Victoria’s housing crisis worsens.

In such circumstances, a visit to India and promising to bring even more smelly Indians to Victoria is not a good look.

Fury over Victorian Premier’s India trip: ‘Bringing in more people to take our housing’

When Roman Emperor Commodus faced the prospect of the revolting plebs breaking into his palace and tearing him to pieces in AD 190, he threw head of his Praetorian Guard out of the palace window to quell the raging mob:

The people… demanded with angry clamors the head of the public enemy. Cleander, who commanded the Praetorian Guards, ordered a body of cavalry to sally forth and disperse the seditious multitude. The multitude fled with precipitation towards the city; several were slain, and many more were trampled to death; but when the cavalry entered the streets their pursuit was checked by a shower of stones and darts from the roofs and windows of the houses. The footguards, who had long been jealous of the prerogatives and insolence of the Praetorian cavalry, embraced the party of the people. The tumult became a regular engagement and threatened a general massacre. The Praetorians at length gave way, oppressed with numbers; and the tide of popular fury returned with redoubled violence against the gates of the palace, where Commodus lay dissolved in luxury, and alone unconscious of the civil war… Commodus started from his dream of pleasure and commanded that the head of Cleander should be thrown out to the people. The desired spectacle instantly appeased the tumult…

From Edward Gibbon, The Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire.

It bought him a little more time…. The pressure is mounting on Dictator Dan’s allies. Nothing ever changes, especially in politics.

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