Voice to Parliament has become a Sick Joke


In the latest instalment of “the Voice to Parliament is going so badly” ….. The Australian is publishing XYZ News style headlines:

And the far left “Australia Institute” has resorted to faking the poll numbers:

In reality, the most recent poll indicates support for “the voice” has dropped to 43%. Moreover, there is less than 50% support for “the voice” in a majority of states, and 47% of voters Australia-wide oppose it.

Events over the past week have confirmed that Aussies’ concerns are well placed. In Geraldton, WA, a reforestation project was halted because aboriginal heritage or something:

Farmers terrified about sweeping new cultural heritage laws have had their first dose of reality when an Aboriginal elder made a huge call.

A community tree planting event in Western Australia has reportedly been shut down by a local Aboriginal elder citing the state’s controversial new cultural heritage laws.

Shane Van Styn, Mayor of the City of Greater Geraldton, 420km north of Perth, said in a Facebook post that Sunday’s tree planting at Wonthella Bushland Reserve had been called off as a result of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.

“Today, attendees made their way to Wonthella Bush Reserve to plant trees in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee,” he wrote.

“Despite checking the site online prior for any Aboriginal heritage, of which there was none, a respected local knowledge holder shut down proceedings on the basis of ground disturbance and the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and the ‘significance’ of the site to the family.”

WA’s sweeping new Aboriginal cultural heritage laws came into effect from July 1, imposing harsh penalties for damaging sites of traditional significance.

The key change under the new Act is the establishment of Local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services, or LACHS, which will be responsible for determining whether an activity will cause “harm” to cultural heritage.

Mr Van Styn said the reserve had been “ravaged” last year by a deliberately lit fire and the tree planting was part of an effort to restore the remaining bushland.

“This is the first use of power of entry and stoppage we are aware of under the Act, despite technically not being an official Aboriginal Inspector under the Act as no LACHS has yet been created to appoint them as such,” he said.

There appears to be a lot of confusion over whether anybody actually had the power to stop people planting trees:

Federal Liberal MP Melissa Price, who represents the large WA electorate of Durack, was invited to attend the event “to help with the planting of the trees”.

“Although disappointed that didn’t occur, everyone was respectful,” she wrote.

“As we had predicted, the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws have created much uncertainty. I feel particularly bad for Friends of Geraldton Gardens (our wonderful volunteers) who now care for the Wonthella Bushland Reserve and were ready to plant the trees today. Let’s hope this matter gets resolved quickly.”

WA Aboriginal Affairs Minister Tony Buti said in a statement to 9 News Perth that the new laws did not allow the elder to shut down the event, and an investigation would be launched.

“The only thing that is clear is that this has been a botched process from the start,” state Liberal leader Libby Mettam told the broadcaster.

The only thing clear is that a culture of deferring to the whims of political aborigines is rife across all levels of government. Everybody is already scared of them. If we change the constitution to give them real power, things will go nuts.

This subservience was on full display at a ceremony to open a new stretch of Freeway in Western Australia, when an elected Minister of Parliament ran for cover the moment two deros claiming to be aboriginal elders clashed over who had the right to burn gumleaves.

This is exactly the moment that Australians would expect their elected representative to step in and take control of the situation. Instead she quite literally ran away to ask her advisors what to say, then let another aborigine to mediate.

For all intents and purposes, political aborigines already run this country.

White people cannot plant trees or drive on freeways without permission from aborigines. Yet somehow they are not represented enough and need us to change our constitution.

Moving along, while claiming with no sense of irony that Aussies who don’t know what “the voice” is about should do their homework on it, Labor is simultaneously aware that it has been less than forthcoming on what the referendum is all about.

The government has thus been drawn into providing more detail regarding the practical benefits of a third chamber of parliament, with hilarious results.

Apparently, aborigines need a “voice to parliament” to make their kids go to school.

The most bizarre moment in the past week was a cringe interview of Lidia Thorpe on 60 Minutes, deliberately aired just before coverage of The Ashes so that everybody would see it. The highlight came when Karl said “talk to me Lidia” when he asked her about the strip club incident.

Lidia kept saying “Karl” in that fake Karen tone, rolled her eyes dismissively at any suggestion that she had ever behaved inappropriately, and insisted she wouldn’t get so much hate if people saw the “real Lidia”.

I’m not joking. This actually happened.

What made the interview truly weird was that Lidia opposes “the voice”. My only explanation for running a puff piece on her is this:

Lidia Thorpe is the epitome of the mostly white political aboriginal class in the eyes of the Australian people. Support for the voice is so dismal precisely because of the arrogance and proto-totalitarianism of this political class. Even though Lidia opposes “the voice” on the grounds that it does not go far enough, her poor image actually hurts “the voice” because Aussies recognise that she is exactly the kind of tyrant “the voice” will empower. Thus her image must be repaired if the referendum is to have any hope of succeeding.

All of this nonsense has very serious real world consequences. In order to ram home who really owns Australia and who has the say over what White people can do, they are renaming everything now.

This announcement comes hot on the heels of the renaming of Fraser Island, and the Queensland Premier’s insistence that reports of plans to rename Brisbane are pure fantasy.

This literal rebranding and the placement of flags of ownership on our most iconic landmarks has real world consequences. White Australians currently require permission to enter “aboriginal land”, and the number of places we are allowed to go in this country is diminishing quickly.

This is leading us toward a very dark place.

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