AFL Politicises Booing Of Buddy Franklin


Nobody bats an eyelid when we mock Collingwood fans:

Alicante, Spain- March 15, 2011: Indigent in Alicante city streets. Middle-aged man laughing and showing his teeth sick.

But Lance Franklin gets booed by Collingwood fans, everybody loses their minds:

Wayne Carey says AFL fans have every right to boo Swans champion Lance Franklin.

The North Melbourne premiership player on Monday poured fuel on the explosive debate at a time when the footy community has been left fractured by differing views being shared across the game.

Explosive. Fractured. It’s a game of football for goodness sake.

Collingwood on Monday night apologised to Franklin after the Sydney forward was booed by fans at the MCG on Sunday.

The AFL world has rallied around Franklin after the Magpies’ 29-point win over the Swans in the first regular season clash between the clubs at the MCG since 2013.

The booing caught the attention of both coaches and was panned throughout the Monday morning wash up after the weekend of footy.

However, there has also been a groundswell of public calls defending the right of fans to heckle players.

Carey posted on Twitter on Monday: “What an overreaction re buddy booing … What about Jack (Ginnivan) and Jason (Horne-Francis) in the last 2 yrs for example.

“Gil (McLachlan) on the front foot only because of Adam (Goodes)?? Not the same thing!! Everyone calm down. Leading the news surprise surprise.”

Exactly. Nobody cares when White players get booed. Ginnivan in particular stands out because of his blonde hair. He’s a bit of a stager, but does some flashy things so he’s easy to hate. He got booed by Sydney fans in 2022 when he got injured, but there was no corresponding official freak out from the AFL.

Pies fans may not have many teeth, but they have long football memories. I guarantee you 100%, at some point in the game Collingwood fans saw Franklin do something dirty, so they pounced, eager for revenge. Franklin has a history of raising the elbow.

Collingwood fans on social media have indicated he did something similar, so they booed. This booing is standard practice for every football fan. If you see an opposition player do something dirty at any point, you boo him every time he gets the ball for the rest of the match.

Instead, the AFL is making this all about race:

The scandal has been linked by many to the dark moment in the history of the sport when Adam Goodes retired prematurely as a result of persistent booing, widey viewed as being racially motivated towards the proud Indigenous Australian footballer.

McLachlan has been quick to act on the Franklin issue having previously admitted he dropped the ball when failing to condemn or take action against the booing Goodes received — until it was too late.

Goodes in 2021 declined his inclusion in the Australian Football Hall of Fame and did not attend the event.

It is why the booing of Franklin has been such a prickly subject. Veteran football journalist Caroline Wilson on Monday night said the booing Franklin received was “pretty disgusting”.

This is shameless politicisation. Adam Goodes got booed because he was a thug and a cheat. His condescending demand that Australians “remember whose land you’re on” was the icing on the cake.

All this nonsense started in 1993 at Victoria Park when Collingwood fans booed St Kilda fullback Danny Frawley for being a thug and a cheat. Aboriginal player Nicky Winmar decided to make it all about him, lifting his shirt and pointing at his belly.

The Lying Press did the rest, immortalising the incident as another fake holocaust. Now, the moment any football fan so much as hints at something critical toward an aboriginal player on the football field, they get banned for life.

Australian Rules Football has being ruined by a combination of cheating umpires under instructions from HQ to keep games close to maximise profits, and an Orwellian social engineering program aimed at further disempowering Australia’s White working class.

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