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Tag: Racism

Sam Kerr proves that Whites exist

Last week it emerged that brown lesbian soccer player Sam Kerr had been charged with “intentionally causing racially aggravated harassment, alarm or distress” in...

Sydney Uni drops maths entry requirements to lift diversity

Sydney University has announced that from 2025 dozens of courses will no longer require HSC advanced mathematics for entry. The university this week announced the...

Is multi-racialism in the AFL worth it?

Trevor Tolstoy Partnerships between ethnic minorities and organisations like The AFL are ending in tears. ​In case anyone needed any confirmation, the AFL is now overwhelmingly...

When Equality Fails

Liberalism once believed in hierarchy, that certain people were better at things than other people. That included individuals, races, sexes and social classes. It...

Chinese Audiences Boycott Disney’s Black Little Mermaid

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan Disney’s live-action remake of The Little Mermaid is slated to become a box office flop, despite a strong Memorial Day weekend...

Lisa Wilkinson gives fake apology to Jacinta Price: Won’t Escape 18C

After audio emerged of Lisa Wilkinson calling Jacinta Price “Nampinjumba” in a conversation with Brittany Higgins, her gambling addict boyfriend David Sharaz, and producer...

Stan Grant Dummy Spit shows why “Voice to Parliament” is failing

After his disgusting rant against White Australia at the crowning of our new Monarch King Charles III, Stan Grant was hammered by ordinary Australians...

AFL Politicises Booing Of Buddy Franklin

Nobody bats an eyelid when we mock Collingwood fans: But Lance Franklin gets booed by Collingwood fans, everybody loses their minds: Wayne Carey says AFL fans...

Dutton discovers racism is only racist if the left says it...

Peter Dutton proves once again that he is a clueless liberal who will always lose because he fights the left on their own turf: Opposition...

Dilbert creator complains of black racism: Gets cancelled

Imagine a situation where you have a new neighbour moving in next door. He pulls up in a moving van and comes over to...